Phishing Notification
Hello everybody.Today i got a mail from Google Search Quality Team that in my site some pages are going to phishing.Here is the complete message..
`We recently discovered that some pages on your site look like a possible phishing attack, in which users are encouraged to give up sensitive information such as login credentials or banking information. We have begun showing a warning page to users who visit this site in certain browsers that receive anti-phishing data from Google, as well as users redirected to this site from various Google properties.Below are one or more example URLs on your site which may be part of a phishing attack:
https://www.devilsduke .com/~zenith/alert/bofa/personality/bankofamerica/online-banking/boa/
Here is a link to a sample warning page: can i solve this problem.Any solutions…
Waiting for your reply..
Thanks in advance..
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