• Hi ,
    I’d like to put a telephone number in the header at the right hand side, under our social icons and lining up with them. The site can be viewed at https://www.ottoclinic.eu/wp/

    Thanks in advance – all help gratefully received because I don’t know code so am having an interesting time trying to figure this out!

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  • You could try adding a second line Tagline, then adding float: right.


    Thread Starter LiloLil


    Hi rdellconsulting – thanks so much for your help thus far. I tried that but the second line is staying put underneath the original tagline and not aligning to the opposite side of the page as desired. So I wonder is there any solution to this or could I place all elements on one line? In other words, the logo would remain aligned to the left and either the tagline (plus 2nd line) could be centred and the social icons would align to the right hand side of page (or vice versa, it’s only the logo I want to keep on the left of page). I understand that could be very complicated and my knowledge of code is pretty much zero but if you have any ideas, that would be really appreciated. Many thanks.

    I’m sorry, I tried a quick solution which hasn’t helped you at all! Can you put your site back to how it was and I’ll spend time giving you a proper fix.

    Thread Starter LiloLil


    That’s no problem, I really appreciate you responding and trying to help. I have now removed that piece of code from the css. Thanks again.

    OK, that Snippet is close to the answer, but here’s my next attempt:

    Add the following to your Child Theme functions.php:

    add_filter('tc_tagline_display', 'rdc_tagline2_display');
    function rdc_tagline2_display($output) {
        return preg_replace('|</h2>|', '</h2><h5 class="rdc_tagline2">Call Us On 061 317678</h5>', $output);

    You then need to style the new tagline2 in CustomCSS or style.css using:

    /* Style Tagline 2 */
    .rdc_tagline2 {
    float:      right;

    If not positioning correctly then add:

    position: relative;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;

    and adjust the top/left 0px settings to fit your need.

    I wait with baited breath and hope I’ve helped this time ??

    You might want to do this too:

    /* Hide Tagline2 on smaller viewports */
    @media (max-width: 979px) {
    .navbar-wrapper .navbar h5 {display: none;}

    Thread Starter LiloLil


    Hi rdellconsulting – apologies in advance here about my lack of knowledge but when you say “Add the following to your Child Theme functions.php:” what do you mean? Where do I add that? I’ve been working only in the css box in the “customise it” menu and don’t know anything about php. I have just finished creating a child theme using the child themify plugin however if that’s any help.

    Read this Snippet first.

    Now you understand Child Themes ?? You should have a functions.php file along with your style.css file.

    It will start out with just <?php at the top. As you find more php snippets you may want to use, you add them below Line #1.

    Thread Starter LiloLil


    Hi there, I created the Child Theme with the child themify plugin which only creates a style.css file (which is enough to create a child theme). The snippet you suggested then tells me that “if you want to add custom functions in a functions.php file, or new folder/files, you can either upload them by FTP or use the following plugin to easily manage your files right from admin : https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-filemanager/&#8221; ……So to clarify, the child theme functions.php file is a completely different file to the style.css file? Do I need to to download the plugin wp-FileManager? And if so how do I then locate the functions.php file in this plugin?

    Thanks again for all your patience – am ready to throw in the towel!

    Ignore the plugin unless you don’t know how to FTP to your host. You need a child theme in a directory (eg customizr-child) which contains 2 files: style.css and functions.php.

    – files
    – style.css
    – functions.php

    You need to activate the Child Theme in Appearance>Themes.

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