• Matt;
    Would it be possible for you to share with us how to create archives like yours? I would like mine to be the same way with the exception of the excerpts, just the post titles.
    For those who dont know: Matt’s Archives

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  • I’m not Matt, and I don’t see any excerpts on that page, but the Wiki page on Template Tags should be a good place to start.

    I would love to know this as well. Been trying to figure out how it can be done and have absolutely no idea.

    Thread Starter skeen


    No, it has nothing to do with the template tags, Matt has modified his blog to do this, I would also like to do this.

    I’ve gotten my own /archives/ page to work like the page you linked to by doing this. I’ve also been looking into how to create my own archive pages with excerpts and to have single post pages with the previous/next links at the top (like PhotoMatt). Great question skeen!

    MtDew, could you post this to the wiki, here: https://wiki.www.ads-software.com/index.php/WPHacks ?

    Sure can….Done.

    Thread Starter skeen


    Where is Matt on this thread? Come on Matt, get your butt down here! ??

    Yeah that page is really messed up for some reason. Trying to work with the wiki.

    Fixed wiki page

    It could just look at the URI.

    Add “|| !empty($category_name)” to the archive check to have the warning about excerpts appear on category archives.

    When the archived posts are shown, I’m trying to display the month and category as a heading, but for some reason the month won’t show.
    This is what I have in index.php, just after the “in archives?” check from PhotMatt Wiki:
    <?php if(empty($cat)){single_month_title(‘ ’);} else {single_cat_title();} ?>
    This works on my local copy, and the only difference is I don’t use permalinks there.
    My php skills are pathetic, so if anyone has any idea it’d be much appreciated.

    I’ve got it to work replacing single_month_title with this:
    date(‘F Y’, mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthnum, 1, $year))
    F is the full textual representation of a month, e.g. “January”.
    I’m still not sure why single_month_title doesn’t work though (note also that single_month_title includes the year, which I don’t think it should).

    I am trying to use this via the ‘Wiki’ but I can’t quite work the logic out. Quite new to PHP you see.
    What do I actually put in the index.php page to call the arch.php file.
    All I have in the index at the moment is:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”
    <?php if (!$p && !$name && (!empty($monthnum) || !empty($year) || !empty($s) || !empty($m) || !empty($day))) { ?>
    The archive page you are viewing contains only excerpts of each post. To view the full post, click on its title.
    <?php } ?>

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