• With the advent of iphone and other photo cell phones it would be great to be able to post photos or videos by email.

    Although you can use flicker as a middleware where you post to Flicker and it will then post to your blog the images is great but the images are really on flicker and if that site would close or you would loose your account all your images on your blog would also be gone.

    There were some other post photos via email but they were done years ago and seem not to work well with the new version.

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  • there’s a term for what you want… its called a “moblog” or “moblogging” as in mobile-phone blogging.

    if you google around for moblog plugins for wordpress you might find something appropriate to your needs.

    I have spent the last 20 minutes hunting for a moblog plugin on Google. What I find are things from two years ago. Anything more recent?

    All I can find is people using Flickr, and what set me to hunting for this is a problem with Flickr posting gibberish to my blog excerpts.

    Try this plugin:

    I’m now trying to figure how to extract and post the gps coordinates from my iphone pics.

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