• Hi everyone
    I haven’t used any blog CMS before and have to decide which one to use – MT, WP, or possibly https://www.pmachine.com
    I would like to have a site as close to this one as possible, in terms of design: https://www.noahgrey.com
    Noah is presumably using a more refined version of his GM, which he is NOT making available.
    Question: could you build a site like this in WP? Does anyone have any examples? Does anyone have any general comments on building a photosite, with or without WP?
    – Desirable features: thumbnail generation, watermark automation, in-built paypal links.

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  • To my knowledge there are no programs that do this by default. You would have to highly customize a software to do this, you could use WordPress to accomplish this but, i am not sure about their image support in terms of making thumbsnails, there are hacks available for photo galleries you might want to look around some more before you make a final decision.

    I have been looking for a Photo Gallery for a long time and tried so many of what i found… but not found anyone that is all that useful. Without mention any names… so many of these Photo Galleries are really ugly, userunfriendly, to big, to difficult to install and manage.
    Therefor I am SOOO happy to have found: https://qdig.sourceforge.net/
    this is the easiest one out there… just put a folder with images on the server with ftp and the gallery is updated! ??
    i have put it on my moms blog that I put up for her at this address:

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    OK thanks.
    However, these plug ins/sites look very much like the Gallery software, from the Sourceforge site. There’s not much difference. Maybe you could change them with a css template, I don’t really know. But I’d like to install an application where you could create a site like Noah Grey’s which you must agree looks pretty good! Which makes me think, if you COULD build a site like tha using WP, why hasn’t anyone done it?

    whats the difference between running pictorialis and wp with the exhibit/pictpress plugin?

    If your main interest is photo-posting, but you want the full flexibility of wp, what is the advantage of pictorialis?

    And yes, Noah’s site is beautiful. I wish someone would devleop a template that looked similar…..

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