• First off, accolades to all. Of all of the blogging type products out there, WordPress has to be the best. I am in the process of using WordPress, in conjunction with Pictorialis/Photolog to develop a website to display photos that I have taken. A problem that I have run into is that I do not want to display thumbnails on the index.php page. I have used the hack as stated at https://www.ads-software.com/support/?action=vthread&forum=10&topic=4269&page=1#post-3 but it kills the archives. More specifically, if I post photos, the photo will show on index.php with no thumbnails, but there will be no thumbnails on the narchive.php page. Any suggestions or fixes would be greatly appreciated.

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  • usafdcc….I did exactaly what you are talking about…you still need to put the code in the “exerpt” entry for the thumbnail to show up on your archives page, but then you just delet the code in your index.php that tells it to display the thumbnails. I forget which part of the code it is but you can look at mine and find out.

    Thread Starter usafdcc


    Ayteale-Thank you for your reply. I do not under this, “you still need to put the code in the “exerpt” entry for the thumbnail to show up on your archives page” could you give me more information on this(procedures). By the way..I like your site

    ok, you will have to excuse my ignorance in explaining this…bear with me….when i post an entry, i upload the photo and have a thumbnail created via the uplaod button in the WP control panel (wp-admin/upload.php)….so the photo is uploaded, and it gives me the code to put into the post section of “post.php”…so the thing for thumbnails is you need to go to post.php, then make sure you are in “advance” posting and you will see a field for an “excerpt” . You need to copy that code into there also AND add “thumb-” to the image name. then you should be good, with thumbs on your index and archives pages…so if you dont want them on the index, just remove the code from your index.php….hope that helps, let me know. (thanks)

    Thread Starter usafdcc


    I know that we are talking about this line
    <dl class=”gallery”><dd>“><?php the_excerpt(); ?></dd></dl>
    <?php } }?>
    This line is in both index.php and narchive.php Which part do I delete and which part do I keep. You will have to forgive me, this is all still new to me.

    Thread Starter usafdcc


    Sorry, I was typing my last post when you entered your last post and I did not see it. So basically the way you do it is to upload the picture and then change the upload script and use the new script in the post.

    you will have to look at my index.php and decide, but i think i actually just deleted everthing below the class=previous_posts all the way to the class=credit in the index.php only
    you will have to forgive me too, because im new also:)

    Thread Starter usafdcc


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