php 7.0 error
I was getting a msg that my site wasn’t running the most up-to-date php verion (7.0). I got support to update it and this error msg appeared
Warning: Declaration of amr_walker_taxonomy_dropdown::start_el(&$output, $category, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in /home/devatude/public_html/wp- content/plugins/amr-events/includes/amr-event-taxonomies.php on line 0
My support recommended I check in with the developer to see when this plugin would be compatible with 7.0.
I saw this thread
but this just happened today so IDK what to do. For now I’m using php5.6 to avoid breaking anything.
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