Hi @richieps, thanks for dropping us a message regarding PHP 8.
Our QA team is currently working to ensure that our plugin is compatible with PHP 8 in a variety of environments so I cannot commit to a specific release date with full compatibility on the forums as some of our changes may depend on additional WordPress development also. In our December 3rd Wordfence update, we added a dismissable notice to warn users who’ve already upgraded that there may be compatibility issues. Many users may be able to use WordPress 5.6+ and Wordfence without issue, but should still be mindful there may be undiscovered bugs that could cause problems.
At the moment, we are not generally recommending making the jump, but as I stated before, there’s no guarantee your site will experience any problems. Here’s a helpful article we wrote about PHP 8 and our opinions on upgrading to it right now: https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2020/11/php-8-what-wordpress-users-need-to-know/
I’m aware the latest version of WordPress is 5.7.1, but 5.6 is the version number when PHP 8 started to appear prominently on the release notes:
WordPress 5.6 is intended to be “beta compatible with PHP 8” according to the November 18 WordPress dev chat. This means that most core WordPress functionality will work, but unexpected bugs may still occur for some time, even without the presence of additional plugins or themes. WordPress has called for additional testing with PHP 8 in order to find and fix as many remaining bugs as possible.
We have also discussed PHP 8 and what it means for WordPress/Wordfence on Wordfence Live, which you may find helpful. On new site builds with minimal plugins we think being fully up-to-date could be an advantage going forward, but you should still be prepared to potentially experience some edge-case issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgDbnvuJmPc&t=2550s
I hope this helps you out!