• Hello

    can anyone help me out please?

    I am trying to call a 3rd party short code set up via the do_shortcode process. The coding is below

    // Get amount from querystring value.
    $reference = $_GET[ "fullcode" ];
    // Output shortcode where needed in template files.
    echo do_shortcode('[stripe name="Access Housing" description="Housing Costs"] 
    					[stripe_text label="To Confirm, please re-enter your unique reference" Default = '.$reference .' id="Reference" required="true"] 
    					[stripe_amount label="Enter Desired Payment" placeholder = "300" required = "true"]

    however I am having problems pulling the $reference part through into the shortcode.

    fullcode comes from a html form which is then using JS to validate the data entry, but I need the fullcode value to appear as part of the stripe shortcode process.

    Someone suggested it would be possible via the do_shortcode process. The php/do_shortcode does work as the remainder of the shortcode does appear on the page when it should, , but I dont seem to be able to pull the fullcode from the html through.

    any suggestions?


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