• I, I would like to have a dynamic stylesheet (php) which loads different css files depending of certain conditions.

    wp_enqueue_style( 'yclads-css', yclads_get_theme_file_url('style.php') );

    in my style.php :

    header('Content-type: text/css');
    @import url('_inc/css/shared.css');
    <?php if(!defined('BP_VERSION')){//load styles for WP ?>
    @import url('_inc/css/screen-wp.css');
    <?php }else{ //load styles for BP ?>
    @import url('_inc/css/screen-bp.css');

    I need to load wp-blog-header.php to access the WP functions.
    But with this line, the css is broken : here, the body background will not be black. If I comment the line, it is black.
    When I open the source file from firebug; the output seems ok :

    @import url('_inc/css/shared.css');
    @import url('_inc/css/screen-bp.css');

    Any idea ?

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