• I’m getting the following errors with this plugin (WordPress 5.7.2)

    in the admin:

    Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in …/wp-content/plugins/wrapper-for-workable-api/inc/classes/class-workable-api-admin.php on line 245

    on the frontend using the shortcode:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-content/plugins/wrapper-for-workable-api/inc/classes/class-workable-api-wrapper.php on line 166

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  • I created a new version of the shortcode – I have contacted the original others so we can incorporate the changes. In the mean time give this a try:


    Here’s the explanation (this short code does not do anything with the ‘featured jobs’ – it just pulls jobs from Workable based on status (selectable) and Department. It allows some customization as well:
    `* A basic shortcode to return the job listings.
    * All shortcode parameters are optional. Default is to list all published jobs,
    * all departments with an ‘Apply now’ message under each job.
    * Department will be suppressed in the code if department was given.
    * Apply now button will be suppressed and Title will be clickable instead if apply=”
    * Apply=’xxx’ will replace the Apply Now message with ‘xxx’
    * nojobs can be used to change the message that is shown when no jobs are found.
    * Default:
    * [workable_jobs state=’published’ department=” apply=’Apply Now’ nojobs=’No Current Job Openings’ ]

    Thread Starter tin_soldier


    Nice work @jlvanhulst. We opted for using the widget from Workable for now but good to know this is in active development again.


    I wanted to use the widget – but it couldn’t do the department filtering so I had to fix it. ??

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