• On June 18th I reported the regular php error:

    WordPress database error Incorrect TIMESTAMP value: ‘1687072582’ for query DELETE FROM xxxxxxxxx_oauth_access_tokens WHERE expires <= ‘1687072582’  made by do_action_ref_array(‘wpo_global_cleanup’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wpo_global_cleanup_functionality

    to [email protected].

    On June 18th I was asked by support to send some more info which I did immediately. Since then I sent 4 emails asking the status of the topic as I’d like to go productive soon.

    Not a single answer.

    I’m deeply disappointed.

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  • Plugin Author Justin Greer



    Sorry about the issues. Can you provide your PHP version and WordPress version? We are not seeing this error but if we can replicate the environment I can run some tests and check and see.

    Thread Starter johannschnagl


    It would have been nice, if you told me.

    I’m running wordpress 6.2.2 on

    PHP 8.0-latest FPM (8.0.26) (P+)

    MySQL 8.0 – SSD Ah

    and I have a multisite with subdomains, but I’m only using the plugin on the main site

    The error occurs every hour.

    I have the error for access tokens and for authorization_codes

    You might consider changing:

    $expired_auth_codes = $wpdb->query( “DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}oauth_authorization_codes WHERE expires <= ‘$current_time’ ” );

    $expired_auth_codes = $wpdb->query( “DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}oauth_authorization_codes WHERE expires <= FROM_UNIXTIME(‘$current_time’) ” );

    in your cron.php line 31 and analog in line 35.

    Thread Starter johannschnagl


    By the way, you have to configure logging to a file to see these errors. As the error occurs within a cronjob there is no screen to display it.

    Plugin Author Justin Greer


    Thanks for the info. I will dive a bit deeper into it.

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