• Resolved photoMaldives


    Hi support

    My PHP error log is filling up with repeated instances of:

    Warning: Attempt to read property "screen_name" on null in class-fts-twitter-feed.php on line 429
    Warning: Undefined array key "twitter:description" in class-fts-twitter-feed.php on line 274
    Warning: Undefined array key "twitter:title" in class-fts-twitter-feed.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "expanded" on null in class-fts-twitter-feed.php on line 427
    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$quoted_status_permalink in class-fts-twitter-feed.php on line 427

    Thanks, and keep up the great work. ??

    ### Begin System Info ###
    Feed Them Social Version: 3.0.2
    -- WordPress Configuration:
    WordPress Version:        6.1.1
    Multisite:                No
    Permalink Structure:      /%postname%/
    PHP Memory Limit:         768M
    WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
    -- Webserver Configuration:
    PHP Version:              8.1.13
    Web Server Info:          litespeed
    -- PHP Configuration:
    Upload Max Size:          128M
    Post Max Size:            128M
    Upload Max Filesize:      128M
    Time Limit:               300
    Max Input Vars:           10000
    Allow URL File Open:      On (Off)
    Display Erros:            On (Off)
    -- PHP Extensions:
    json:                     Your server supports json.
    FSOCKOPEN:                Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     Your server supports cURL.
    curl_multi:               Your server supports curl_multi_select.
    -- FTS Settings->Global Options: Cache time: 1 Day (Default)
    -- Active Plugins: 
    3D FlipBook - Lite Edition: 1.13.0
    A2 Optimized WP:
    Cool Timeline Pro: 4.2.1
    Custom Twitter Feeds: 2.0.3
    Duplicator: 1.5.1
    Error Log Monitor: 1.7.3
    Essential Grid: 3.0.16
    EWWW Image Optimizer: 6.9.2
    Feed Them Social - for Twitter feed, Youtube, and more: 3.0.2
    FooBar WordPress Notifications: 2.1.15
    LiteSpeed Cache: 5.3
    ManageWP - Worker: 4.9.15
    Menu Icons: 0.13.2
    Rank Math SEO:
    Really Simple SSL:
    Shortcode in Menus: 3.5.1
    Shortcoder: 6.1
    Site Kit by Google: 1.89.0
    Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening: 1.8.35
    Wordfence Security: 7.8.0
    WordPress Version Info: 1.2.1
    WP Database Backup: 5.9
    WP Pusher: 3.0.13
    Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.5
    Facebook App Token:         No
    Twitter Consumer Key:       No
    Twitter Secret:             No
    Twitter Token:              Yes
    Twitter Token Secret:       Yes
    Instagram Basic Token:      No
    Instagram Business Token:   No
    YouTube: 		    No
    -- FaceBook & Twitter Date Format and Timezone
    Date Format: one-day-ago Timezone: Asia/Tashkent
    -- Hide Facebook Images in Posts: Hide: No
    -- Hide Facebook Error Handler: Hide: No
    -- Fix Twitter Time: Fix: No
    -- Disable Magnific CSS: Fix: No
    -- Fix Internal Server Error: Fix: No
    ### End System Info ###
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  • Plugin Support slickchris


    Hi @photomaldives,

    Thank you for alerting us to this. Our developers are looking into it. Hopefully we will have a resolution shortly.

    Alternatively, turning off the error log notifications, is the only immediate recourse right now.

    The SlickRemix Team

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