• Hi all,

    New to modifying the function.php file and know only basic php. Below is my function.php file. Dreamweaver says there is an error at the last line, i.e. add_filter(“mce_buttons_3”, “enable_more_buttons”);


    //// Recommended way to include parent theme styles.//
    ///(Please see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes#How_to_Create_a_Child_Theme)//
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’ );

    //Your code goes below//

    function enable_more_buttons($buttons) {

    $buttons[] = ‘fontselect’;
    $buttons[] = ‘fontsizeselect’;
    $buttons[] = ‘styleselect’;
    $buttons[] = ‘backcolor’;
    $buttons[] = ‘newdocument’;
    $buttons[] = ‘cut’;
    $buttons[] = ‘copy’;
    $buttons[] = ‘charmap’;
    $buttons[] = ‘hr’;
    $buttons[] = ‘visualaid’;

    return $buttons;
    add_filter(“mce_buttons_3”, “enable_more_buttons”);

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  • //

    working for Single-line.


    working multiple lines.

    You are

    ///(Please see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes#How_to_Create_a_Child_Theme)//

    Replace with this

    /*(Please see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes#How_to_Create_a_Child_Theme)*/

    Thread Starter libmansworld


    I’m not sure I get your point. If I use the following between the astericksI have no problem. I don’t see how your example helps. The error is coming at add_filter(“mce_buttons_3”, “enable_more_buttons”);

    I got the added functions here:



    //// Recommended way to include parent theme styles.//
    ///(Please see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes#How_to_Create_a_Child_Theme)//
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’ );
    //Your code goes below//

    Thread Starter libmansworld


    Found the error:


    add_filter(“mce_buttons_3”, “enable_more_buttons”);

    Should have been

    add_filter(‘mce_buttons_3’, ‘enable_more_buttons’);

    Double quotes removed and replaced with single quotes.


    Glad it

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