• I have this errors on all pdf-generations:

    PHP Warning:  Missing argument 2 for TCPDF_IMAGES::_toPNG(), called in /wp-post-to-pdf-enhanced/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 6991 and defined in /wp-post-to-pdf-enhanced/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_images.php on line 124
    PHP Warning:  unlink(): No such file or directory in /wp-post-to-pdf-enhanced/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_images.php on line 134

    I have png-logo image, it isn’t visible too.

    For me now 1.0.5 last stable version.


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  • Plugin Author Lewis Rosenthal


    This is an odd issue, as I’m fairly certain that portion of TCPDF hasn’t changed between the 6.0.34 build used in the previous stable version of the plugin and the 6.2.6 build used in 1.1.1.

    The error indicates to me a failure to write to the plugin’s temporary directory. If you are able, please reinstall 1.1.1, deactivate it, and then activate it again (the normal upgrade procedure should do this, anyway, but just in case, it’s a good idea). Ensure that you have reviewed the settings and saved them (again). If you get the same error when generating a PDF, next try turning the logo off, and try generating a PDF from a page with an image on it. I’m trying to determine whether this is related to the logo png itself or to image creation in general.

    A link to the site would be helpful, too.

    Thanks, and sorry for the difficulty. Let’s see if we can fix this for you soon.


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