• We have a news website that is outputting the following error to our error_log. We have the latest ampforwp version, latest WordPress version, and the front end seems to be working well.

    A few symptoms that may or may not be related:

    – The ampforamp won’t keep the data for the font selection. It stays there for a small period of time, but on a subsequent refresh, the backend shows no font selected. The Google API key is still active and valid.

    – The site experiences periods of downtime and extreme slowness.

    – We’re running php 7.0.

    – The front end is working (appart from the periods of slowness and downtime)

    Questions: is ampforwp compatible with php 7? Is the following error fixable?

    [04-Apr-2019 01:42:39 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘Redux_Helpers’ not found in /home/[placeholder]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/accelerated-mobile-pages/includes/options/redux-core/framework.php:83

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  • Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Regarding the font, We are going to release a big update on the Typography section, which should solve the issue that you are facing.

    Regarding the PHP, Yes it does work perfectly with PHP7.

    and about the fatal error, it might be that the theme is conflicting with the options because maybe both of them are using the same framework. Can you tell me which theme are you using?

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