• Hello!

    First of all, great plugin that is exactly what I need !!

    I try to use it for a portfolio isotope with a custom taxonomy.

    The template of my loop:
    <article class = “portfolio <php $ Project-> filterClasses ();?>” data-category = “filterClasses () <php $ Project-?>;>”>
    <img src = “<php echo $ t> image-?> resizedImgUrl ($ content-> get_origImage (), 350,0);>” alt = “” class = “fullwidth”>
    </ article>

    But it generates me an error (Syntax error, unrecognized expression <article class = “portfolio) ??

    Would you have any idea how to integrate this template?

    Thank you in advance!



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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    So it’s failing on the <php $ Project-> filterClasses ();?> line as the repeater template likely doesn’t know what this function is…

    I assume it works if you remove this line?

    There have been other posts along these lines where functions are not available in the repeater templates.

    I might start a new post on stack overflow to see if anyone has suggestions.

    Thread Starter Eric3005


    Thank you for your quick response! It works when I joined my functions in the repeater template.

    However my portfolio base works with filters to display the posts based on the category clicked (with the attribute data-filter). Will has a way to run it with the plugin?

    Thank you very much in advance!


    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Would you be comfortable posting your question on StackOverflow?

    I would post it but I won’t be able to test if anyone has a reply.
    Let me know, if not I can try to replicate your issue and post.

    Thread Starter Eric3005


    Ok I like that.
    Thank you so much!

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi Eric,
    Were you able to post the question?

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