• Resolved doublesharp


    I noticed my site was allocating 2048m of memory to each PHP process, far greater than what I had specified in php.ini as my default and considerably greater than what I had set in this particular site’s wp-config.php. Upon further investigation I found that the Sucuri plugin was setting @ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M');, but not just for some cases, any time the plugin was enabled. Is this by design? As it stands I have it commented out as it was causing issues when the server is under load.


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  • Thread Starter doublesharp


    I ran a 10 minute load test with the plugin enabled and disabled (no other changes), and processed 15,683 requests when it was enabled and 40,517 when it was disabled…


    Thanks for your message.
    This configuration will be changed in the future releases of our plugin.


    Bruno Borges
    [ Signature moderated. ]

    This was a featured copied from our premium plugin, we added an option in the settings page were you can configure the memory limit for the plugin when running the filesystem scans.

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