PHP Notice: register_rest_route was called incorrectly.
Are you planning to fix the error reported to you concerning the register_rest_route call? Not sure why the topic is closed without an answer or a fix: register_rest_route called incorrectly, but we’re having the same issue with the current version 2.6.1 as of this writing.
It’s not an isolated incident as you can see at any plugin compatibility site e.g.
As the author, you can add the required permission_callback argument to the REST API route definition like so:
Go to ./wp-content/plugins/rollbar/src/Plugin.php line 167 and add
'permission_callback' => '__return_true',
.I’ve done so in my project to eliminate the error in my debugs, but will get overwritten when I update the plugin next if you don’t fix it yourself as the author.
Please advise if and when the fix is coming, or if you still support it?
Thank you.
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