• Plugin Contributor KTS915


    Thanks for the new version, which enables a user to escape the installation process!

    While setting up the options, I got the following notices:

    Undefined index: users_page_title
    Undefined index: recaptcha_public_key
    wp-content/plugins/anspress/admin/views/admin.php:393	anspress_admin->display_plugin_admin_page()
    Undefined index: recaptcha_private_key


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  • Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    this is not a problem, just save the options once ??

    Plugin Contributor KTS915


    Now I get these:

    Trying to get property of non-object
    Trying to get property of non-object
    Trying to get property of non-object
    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    Probably its because of skipping installation.
    Go to anspress settings and save the option once.

    Plugin Contributor KTS915


    I did. Those are the notices I get after having saved the options.

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