Sure. Please find the examples below :
if(is_logged_in_using_ipbl()) {
echo 'user is logged in via Plugin';
} else {
echo 'you need to login';
add_filter('ipbl_can_auto_login', 'my_can_auto_login', 10000, 1);
function my_can_auto_login($return){
// Do some validation
// if you want to allow auto login return true
// if you want to disallow auto login return false
return true;
add_filter('ipbl_auto_logged_in', 'my_post_ipbl_auto_login, 10000, 2);
function my_can_auto_login($user, $logged_in_range){
// This function is called after a user is just auto logged in by IP Based Login plugin
// It will be called only once per session after the session is created
// $user will have all the details of the user into which the visitor was logged in
// $logged_in_range will have the IP range from the allowed ranges in which the user's IP matched
// No return required