• Rob


    I’m hoping this is the right community to ask this question. If not, please advise.

    2 questions about PHP:

    • Is there a WordPress PHP Library with proven PHP snippets?
    • I’m trying to make a site private for all but registered users. The plugins I have tried seem to create conflicts with other plugins, especially with media for some odd reason. This seems like such a basic and tried need and at the risk of oversimplification I would think that all that needs to be done in a plugin or PHP snippet is to see if the person accessing any page on a site is a registered user. If they are not, throw them to the login page. If they are, then onwards to the page on the site they want to go to. Isn’t there a PHP snippet out there that would do this perceived easy task?


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  • Makink things private is anyway not that easy with WP, especially for the media.

    If one knows the url of the media, he can access it anyway.

    Best would be to store things in the webroot, outside of public access. Then a php script checks vor valid user rights before sending it to the user.

    Thread Starter Rob


    I’m not so concerned about media, which for us is only photos. I just want to lock out anyone who is not a registered user as pages, tabs, accordions, etc. have very private information.

    Thread Starter Rob


    But to my earlier point, even media would be protected with my simplified outlook of seeing if the person visiting a page or anything else in the site’s path is validated as a user or thrown out.

    Is my concept of how to do this an oversimplification? Seems to me that if you are catching “https:[site]…..” and then validating if the user is registered, you have completely protected the site. Is there something that invalidates the thought?

    Moderator Jose Castaneda



    Hey @robwyndrydercom

    Not sure if it would help or if you have tried but one that came to mind while reading was the Restrict Content plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/restrict-content/

    Thread Starter Rob


    Thanks Jose! I just installed My Private Site and that seems to be doing the trick without interfering in anything else. Should that ultimately prove to not work, I will give this a try. Many thanks!

    Moderator Jose Castaneda



    That’s great to hear!

    Be sure to mark the topic as resolved once it is ??

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