• Resolved Sapphire


    My error logs are showing several php Undefined Array errors with every page load of from Category and Search pages I built using your Site Builder.

    PHP Warning: Undefined array key “queryUnique”
    PHP Warning: Undefined array key “ultpCurrentUniquePosts”
    PHP Warning: Undefined array key “ultpUniqueIds”

    And also PHP Warning: Undefined variable $local

    I don’t know if these are bugs or if there’s a change I could make on the back end to fix.

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  • Plugin Contributor Anik Biswas


    It working great for me. If you still have the issue please give me a screenshot of the problem (Both backend and frontend).

    Thread Starter Sapphire


    It’s not on the site – it’s in my site’s error logs for PHP errors. I am now getting support from the website since I bought the plugin. Thanks.

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