• Resolved info2012



    I have a connection problem with wordpress 6.6.1 on my host’s site. When I connect I get a message:

    Your server is running PHP version 5.6.40 but WordPress 6.6.1 requires at least 7.2.24.

    When I do a phpinfo(), it says that the php version is 5.6, but my host tells me that he has installed version 8.1 of php.

    Could the problem be somewhere else?

    Thanks in advance.

    Have a nice day


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  • Moderator James Huff


    phpinfo will tell you exactly what version of PHP it sees running on the server. It cannot lie or be mistaken, and a server can only run one version of PHP.

    It sounds like your hosting provider either did not fully compile PHP 8.1 or has not configured the server properly.

    You’ll need to contact your hosting provider’s support about this.

    Thread Starter info2012


    Thank you for your reply. I will contact my host provider again.

    You may have PHP 8 installed but it hasn’t been updated in the web server configuration to use the new version of PHP.

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