• Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but when logging into WordPress, I get the following PHP warning:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/raspy-robbin/wp-content/plugins/radio-station/radio-station.php on line 179

    I took a look at the foreach() and found that doing an is_array() check beforehand fixes the issue:

    //determine which roles should have full access aside from administrator
    $add_roles = array(‘administrator’);
    if(is_array($wp_roles->roles)) {
    foreach($wp_roles->roles as $name => $role) {
    foreach($role[‘capabilities’] as $capname => $capstatus) {
    if($capname == “publish_shows” && ($capstatus == 1 || $capstatus == true)) {
    $add_roles[] = $name;

    If you can reproduce, you might want to add this check into the plugin with your next update. Thanks!


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