Makes sense on the surface, but all means, but why it didn’t end up with at least an array of keys that have no values is escaping me at the moment.
For a quick example from the Import/Export page, for one of the post types I just did up:
"foo": {
"name": "foo",
"label": "Foo",
"singular_label": "Foo",
"description": "",
"public": "true",
"publicly_queryable": "true",
"show_ui": "true",
"show_in_nav_menus": "true",
"show_in_rest": "false",
"rest_base": "",
"has_archive": "false",
"has_archive_string": "",
"exclude_from_search": "false",
"capability_type": "post",
"hierarchical": "false",
"rewrite": "true",
"rewrite_slug": "",
"rewrite_withfront": "true",
"query_var": "true",
"query_var_slug": "",
"menu_position": "",
"show_in_menu": "true",
"show_in_menu_string": "",
"menu_icon": "",
"supports": ["title", "editor", "thumbnail"],
"taxonomies": [],
"labels": {
"menu_name": "",
"all_items": "",
"add_new": "",
"add_new_item": "",
"edit_item": "",
"new_item": "",
"view_item": "",
"search_items": "",
"not_found": "",
"not_found_in_trash": "",
"parent_item_colon": "",
"featured_image": "",
"set_featured_image": "",
"remove_featured_image": "",
"use_featured_image": "",
"archives": "",
"insert_into_item": "",
"uploaded_to_this_item": "",
"filter_items_list": "",
"items_list_navigation": "",
"items_list": ""
"custom_supports": ""
The nested labels array apparently isn’t created for yours. Perhaps try saving the post type settings again?