• Sounds promising and has a nice logo, but seems not to be up to date and gets me a lot of warnings:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for fa(), called in [path]/wp-content/plugins/join-the-event/admin/menu-pages/bulk-mail.php on line 8 and defined in /Users/zumbrunn/Documents/Websites/jat/wp-content/plugins/join-the-event/admin/functions.php on line 158

    Notice: Undefined variable: echo in [path]/jat/wp-content/plugins/join-the-event/admin/functions.php on line 160

    Warning: Declaration of jteWidget::widget() should be compatible with WP_Widget::widget($args, $instance) in /[path]/wp-content/plugins/join-the-event/join-the-event.php on line 96

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for fa_circle(), called in [path]/wp-content/plugins/join-the-event/admin/menu-pages/settings.php on line 26 and defined in /Users/zumbrunn/Documents/Websites/jat/wp-content/plugins/join-the-event/admin/functions.php on line 168

    Notice: Undefined variable: echo in [path]/wp-content/plugins/join-the-event/admin/functions.php on line 170

    Therefore it’s not usable in it’s current state on my site. All other plugins deactivated and using twenty sixteen default theme.

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