• Hello, i am preparing to update the websites i manage to the new PHP 7. On a test site that uses this plugin with php7, i am getting the following error that blocks the homepage from loading. Other pages that are not using your plugins shortcode, work nicely.

    Test site: https://dmc.kodeserver.net/
    main site: https://dm-c.it/

    Hope you can help.

    Here is the error from php’s “error_log” file:

    [28-Jun-2016 09:28:52 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function split() in hidden_path/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php:276
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: SyndicatePressPlugin->sp_filterCallback(Array)
    #1 hidden_path/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php(162): preg_replace_callback(Array, Array, '<pre class="gdl...')
    #2 hidden_path/wp-includes/plugin.php(235): SyndicatePressPlugin->sp_ContentFilter('<pre class="gdl...')
    #3 hidden_path/wp-content/themes/goodspace/page.php(63): apply_filters('the_content', '<pre class="gdl...')
    #4 hidden_path/wp-includes/template-loader.php(75): include('hidden_path/...')
    #5 hidden_path/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('hidden_path/...')
    #6 hidden_path/index.php(17): require('hidden_path/...')
    #7 {main}
      thrown in hidden_path/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-press/syndicate-press-plugin.php on line 276


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  • Plugin Author SP developer


    Hi evitorino,
    Thanks for the heads up. We have not yet done any validation with PHP7 so we appreciate your feedback. We will put this issue on the list to work on the upcoming release. In the meantime, if you find a good solution that works with php7 let us know. ??

    Best regards,
    SP Developer

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