• I’m curious as to what program everyone uses to edit their php and css files. I was using Window’s ‘Wordpad’ for the longest (as it handles formatting better than Notepad) but recently I’ve been trying EditPad (www.editpadlite.com) which I really like because its powerful and simplistic. I’ve also tested Crimson Editor (www.crimsoneditor.com) which is nice because it has a built in FTP plug which will connet to your server to DL the lastest files, and reupload them after you save…Crimson editor tends to be a bit bloated for normal purposes though and i’ve reverted back to EditPadLite. The only positive about C.E. is that you can turn on Line Numbers (which is helpful for finding errors quickly). EditPadLite does have a ‘goto line #’ command though, which takes a second longer but has the same outcome….How about you?

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  • Dreamweaver’s OK for people with extremely fast computers who don’t mind it crashing on them whenever they use style sheets. ??

    there is a bug in Dreamweaver. You have to disable “open style sheets when edting” option else DW will crash when you edit style sheets

    Hate Dreamweaver, I just find that most users /many of them use it in layout mode and have very bloated code, I guess it is ok used in edit mode but I see too many visa versa

    Another Notepad user. ?? Also, I got a CSS editing extension for Firefox so I can tinker with stuff semi-live. The Husband has MS Visual Studio, so if I click wrong, my stylesheets end up in that, but it is handy having the colors and prompts for forgotten syntax.

    I think I’m gonna look for something a little more robust and less MS, given the suggestions above.

    I guess the codes gets bloated because user simply can’t make up their mind when they are using WYSIWYG softwares. They are trying many possibilities that the codes gets bloated at each edit.

    Frontpage generates an even more bloated coding than DW.

    However, DW offers settings to change the type of code to use ‘<b>’ </b> or ‘‘, add colors as style sheets or html etc…

    Scite works very well for most things text-based. Comes with support for HTML, CSS, PhP, JavaScript, py, etc.

    Also free, and cross-platform. And can be customised easily. Small footprint.

    Ideal for people who want Notepad with a few more features, like line numbering and syntax highlighting.

    I use Crimson Editor, which is freeware. It has built-in FTP so you can actually call up your PHP/HTML/CSS directly from your website and edit it. Nice for the quick checks. It comes with syntax highlighting and I’ve programmed one of the function keys to access the CHM formatted PHP help file, another to bring up the page in IE and another to bring up the page in Firefox. Although, the absolute best free CSS editor is TopStyle Lite.

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