• Resolved kordas88


    Hi everyone!

    I have a problem, which I can’t solve for quite a while. I created a site in polish using UTF-8. Everything on the site works perfectly – there are polish characters. But when I use contact form (it was a part of the theme – it uses PHPMailer), I receive a message with weird letters like ?. I changed charset to UTF-8 in class-phpmailer.php, but this error still occurs. Any ideas?

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  • Hi kordas88,
    Check your phpMailer code and find the line where object of phpMailer is being created.Now try this piece of code :

    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8";
    $mail->Encoding = "16bit";

    Hope this will fix your problem.

    Thread Starter kordas88


    It may sound stupid, but there actually is no “new PHPMailer” line in any file of my website (i checked that with a script). I’m sure it’s created somehow, but I have no idea, where to find it. I know, that my message is created here:

    // AJAX Callback: Send contact form data
    if ( !function_exists( 'sc_contact_form_send' ) ) {
    	function ancora_sc_contact_form_send() {
    		global $_REQUEST;
    		if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['nonce'], 'ajax_nonce' ) )
    		$response = array('error'=>'');
    		if (!($contact_email = ancora_get_theme_option('contact_email')) && !($contact_email = ancora_get_theme_option('admin_email')))
    			$response['error'] = __('Nieznany e-mail administratora!', 'ancora');
    		else {
    			$type = ancora_substr($_REQUEST['type'], 0, 7);
    			parse_str($_POST['data'], $post_data);
    			if ($type=='contact') {
    				$user_name	= ancora_strshort($post_data['username'],	100);
                    $last_name	= ancora_strshort($post_data['lastname'],	100);
    				$user_email	= ancora_strshort($post_data['email'],	100);
                    $user_phone	= ancora_strshort($post_data['phone'],	100);
    				$user_msg	= ancora_strshort($post_data['message'],	ancora_get_theme_option('message_maxlength_contacts'));
                    $user_serv	= ancora_strshort($post_data['service'],	100);
                    $subj = sprintf(__('Strona %s - wiadomosc od %s', 'ancora'), get_bloginfo('site_name'), $user_name);
    				$msg = "\n".__('Imie:', 'ancora')   .' '.esc_html($user_name)
                        .  "\n".__('Nazwisko:', 'ancora')   .' '.esc_html($last_name)
    				//	.  "\n".__('E-mail:', 'ancora') .' '.esc_html($user_email)
                        .  "\n".__('Telefon:', 'ancora') .' '.esc_html($user_phone)
    					.  "\n".__('Wiadomosc:', 'ancora').' '.esc_html($user_msg);
                       // .  "\n".__('Us?uga:', 'ancora').' '.esc_html($user_serv);

    My host supplier says it should work fine.

    The issue seems to be in line:
    $user_msg = ancora_strshort($post_data['message'], ancora_get_theme_option('message_maxlength_contacts'));

    Try replacing the line by :
    $user_msg = sanitize_text_field($post_data['message’]);
    Or :
    $user_msg = utf8_decode(sanitize_text_field($post_data['message’]));
    If issue still persist please send the code of function ancora_strshort()


    Thread Starter kordas88


    It actually works! Thank you so much for your help!

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