It may sound stupid, but there actually is no “new PHPMailer” line in any file of my website (i checked that with a script). I’m sure it’s created somehow, but I have no idea, where to find it. I know, that my message is created here:
// AJAX Callback: Send contact form data
if ( !function_exists( 'sc_contact_form_send' ) ) {
function ancora_sc_contact_form_send() {
global $_REQUEST;
if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['nonce'], 'ajax_nonce' ) )
$response = array('error'=>'');
if (!($contact_email = ancora_get_theme_option('contact_email')) && !($contact_email = ancora_get_theme_option('admin_email')))
$response['error'] = __('Nieznany e-mail administratora!', 'ancora');
else {
$type = ancora_substr($_REQUEST['type'], 0, 7);
parse_str($_POST['data'], $post_data);
if ($type=='contact') {
$user_name = ancora_strshort($post_data['username'], 100);
$last_name = ancora_strshort($post_data['lastname'], 100);
$user_email = ancora_strshort($post_data['email'], 100);
$user_phone = ancora_strshort($post_data['phone'], 100);
$user_msg = ancora_strshort($post_data['message'], ancora_get_theme_option('message_maxlength_contacts'));
$user_serv = ancora_strshort($post_data['service'], 100);
$subj = sprintf(__('Strona %s - wiadomosc od %s', 'ancora'), get_bloginfo('site_name'), $user_name);
$msg = "\n".__('Imie:', 'ancora') .' '.esc_html($user_name)
. "\n".__('Nazwisko:', 'ancora') .' '.esc_html($last_name)
// . "\n".__('E-mail:', 'ancora') .' '.esc_html($user_email)
. "\n".__('Telefon:', 'ancora') .' '.esc_html($user_phone)
. "\n".__('Wiadomosc:', 'ancora').' '.esc_html($user_msg);
// . "\n".__('Us?uga:', 'ancora').' '.esc_html($user_serv);
My host supplier says it should work fine.