• Resolved asker1



    On localhost using xampp, password stopped working. I’ve gone to database >wp_users and changed the password multiple times as md5 and being sure to save it.

    It will not change and log me in.

    Thank you.

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  • Firstly, make sure that you are editing the correct database. Look in wp-config.php to see which one your project is using and compare it with the name of the database you have opened in phpmyadmin.

    If this is the correct one, then check whether you are editing the correct user in the wp_users table. It’s easy to get confused here. Pay attention to the e-mail or the user_id.

    Thread Starter asker1


    Thank you that helped. The deal was that the login was forcing me to enter a password but in wp-config it showed ‘ ‘ null. At some point, I must have gone in and added a little password. Also I got confused about the username because of the saved password in the browser.

    It ended up a hybrid of both.


    Nice if I could help. You are welcome to set the topic to solved.

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