physical RSS file in wordpress installation
I was building a headlines ticker using PHP that uses my blog’s rss feed as a source for the headlines. My problem lies with finding the relative path to the physical file that is my RSS feed.
Here is my headline ticker But as you can see no headlines or text is being parsed from my RSS feed or anythingI figured out that since my server can not access external files so I can not use the URL so I have to use the relative URL to my RSS feed. This news feed is installed in
so the relative path to my rss feed is ../../blog/?feed=rss2
but I need the URL to the physical PHP file or file that is my RSS.
I then changed the URL to the feed to ../../blog/wp-rss2.phpI learned that the wp-rss2.php file is deprecated as it just includes the RSS file. And when I do this
$feed = '../../blog/wp-rss2.php' ;
Nothing is parsed.So i tried changing the url to blog/wp-includes/feed-rss2.php which i thought is the php file that is my RSS feed, but as that is the URL that is currently linked in my script one can see that nothing is still being parsed.
It may help to read this thread where much of the following was discovered. It may clarify the situation. Also in that thread on a different forums I have a zip of the php script that I am speaking about.
I hope that someone can help me find the exact file that is my RSS feed so that I can set $feed to that in rss.php which is in the zip folder.
Please reply with any questions, comments, or solutions.
I will give any support or clarification that will helpThanks in advance and regards,
Team 1504
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