• dum0nti15


    I just launched my website and by trial and error am learning about WordPress. I have tried several themes, some of which only show the home page and have no idea how to make the other pages appear. Ultimately, I found a theme that I like, however, I now have a page (my blog page) that has a watermark of a thumbnail that reads (Thumbnail Not Available). When I go to edit the pages, the Blog page does not show anything–not a picture. If add a picture to that page it places it as a black box on everyone of my website pages. I have no idea how to edit or get rid of the issue on my Blog page. Would sure appreciate someone’s help on this. Thank you!

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  • juggledad


    you know I’ve read this three times and am at a loss as how to even start to help you.
    have you taken a WordPress tutorial (or two) so you feel comfortable with how things work?

    I’d stick with one of the default themes like twenty-fourteen until you become more knowledgable. Some themes are easy to customize and some are not. Some will require that you learn about child themes and/or CSS and/or PHP and some will not.

    Generally the more you want to customize a theme, the more knowledge of CSS and PHP and WordPress you will need.

    Then there is separating what a theme adds to what is just part of the base WordPress.

    Play with the different features of WordPress starting with a post. Try all the options on the post edit page and look at the result when you turn something on and then turn it off.

    Use google to find out about things (like googling ‘wordpress thumbnail not available’) you will find that very few issues you run into will be unique.

    Learn the terminology (like what is the difference between a ‘Page’ page and a ‘Post’ page) that way you will be able to ask meaningful descriptive questions that people will be able to answer.

    Sorry if this doesn’t directly help you this moment, but it will in the end. Remember you can’t learn geometry or algebra or how to play a piano or how do operate on somebody in a day or even a week. Take it a bit at a time and and you will become proficient.

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