• Hi
    I have moved my blog from blogger and am having problems with the pictures. I realise that they need generally to be landscape to work properly, but even when I pull in landscape pictures, they don’t all work in the same way – some are hugely tall, and some aren’t. Is there something I can do about this please – is there a specific height/width I should be using?
    Also, how do the picture captions work? Mine seem to all have become part of the blog post on being moved over – I would like them to look more like captions and have a reduced font size.
    Thanks very much

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  • Can you post a link to your site?

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter sjebner


    Thanks for getting back to me.
    Yes, it’s https://www.familytraveltimes.co.uk/blog/
    As you can see, the pic size changes as you go down. I realise they should be landscape, but they seem to be different heights too! I would really like them be the same so it looks more professional.
    Also the captions look as if they are part of the actual blog as they are the same size (eg https://www.familytraveltimes.co.uk/blog/a-harry-potter-walking-tour-in-london/)
    Thank you

    So the theme will crop your images to the same height and width if they are large enough. For example the default (you can change in the post settings) width and height are 846px by 400px.

    If your image is not at least that wide and tall then it can’t crop the image. even if the images is all enough if it’s not wide enough it fails to crop and then just outputs the image at whatever size the image is.

    If you wanted with those portrait style images you can use the portrait image settings in the post settings instead of the landscape.

    Captions.. Your “captions” are all imputed into your site in a none wordpress way. And they are not wordpress captions which is why they are styled differently… for example create a post and add an image with a caption and you’ll see what I mean.

    Kadence Themes

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