>> ” flush any caching plugins…”
I know how to flush browsers etc, but what is meant by this?
>> ” deactivate all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s). Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems”
“switch to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems”
There are 6 blogs that all use Twenty Eleven, and all have the same 7 plugins active (after I disabled ones I wasn’t using):
Akismet https://akismet.com/
Automatic Links https://www.superann.com/2009/03/04/wordpress-automatic-links-plugin/
BackUpWordPress https://hmn.md/blog/2011/05/09/backupwordpress/
Collapsing Archives – plug-in site is a dead url, but the plug-in still works
Fast Secure Contact Form https://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/
Google Search widget https://automattic.com/
My Link Order https://geekyweekly.com/mylinkorder/
Only 1 of the 6 blogs is giving me a problem. The other 5 blogs behave the way they are supposed to.
I’m on a list where someone said:
> Well the first thing that strikes me is this probably isn’t WP’s fault.
> The second thing, “is the file in its directory’. So I would use FTP to check.
> If it is not, this probably means something deleted them (a bad upgrade?
> Server hiccup?) they are not being named correctly (seems unlikely).
> Check your file permissions at the server and the file paths (absolute and
> relative).
Now I think we are on to something.
In this screen capture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iiv7wdjm0nog9qk/1.jpg the pirate pictures that are the only ones showing, are visible via ftp in the following directory:
Of the non-visable ones, the others that are 2008 are August but there is no 2008/08 folder. And there are no 2012 or 2013 folders for the ones that are 2012 and 2013.
I’ve tried both the drag/drop method of uploading the jpgs and the browse to location method. Something is obviously keeping WP from creating the upload directories in which to store the jpgs.