• Moderator James Huff


    A new feature in Bad Behavior v1.2.2 blocks all requests that carry a blank user-agent string. This is actually a good thing, because blank user-agents appear to have become a popular technique among spammers to avoid basic user-agent blocks. Generally, if you found a legitimate request to have been blocked by the new blank user-agent filtering, you would add the IP of that request to your whitelist in order to allow it to pass by Bad Behavior next time. Unfortunately, this feature also cripples WordPress’ ability to send pingbacks.

    WordPress seems to confirm its received pingbacks using a blank user-agent, and any attempt to send a pingback while using Bad Behavior v1.2.2 will fail, because the confirmation request from the pinged blog will be blocked by Bad Behavior for having a blank user-agent. There are currently two ways to prevent this. You could add the IPs for every WordPress blog that you know to your whitelist, or you could disable the blank user-agent block by removing lines 49-52 of bad-behavior-user-agent.php, as detailed in Changeset 3535. Since Michael and I believe that this is actually a WordPress problem, I have submitted Bug #1713, which requests that future versions of WordPress identify themselves with a simple “WordPress” user-agent, rather than a blank user-agent.

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  • http_user_agent is “Technoratibot/0.7”

    “denied_reason” is “I know you and I don’t like you, dirty spammer,”

    Unless something left over in the DB (or some such) is affecting things, then I’m running v1.2.4. I completely deleted the older version before installing v1.2.4 (not necessary, I don’t think, but…), and 1.2.4 is what it says on the admin plugin management page.

    Moderator James Huff


    Interesting. In this case, I recommend clearing all of the entries from your log table. That should fix it. Or, you could deactivate Bad Behavior, delete the log table, and then reactivate Bad Behavior.

    Okay, thanks macmanx. I’ll try that. Can I assume that in phpMyAdmin, that means simply deleting those entries in the section under “Browse” where I found those entries. I don’t need to go into “SQL” or “Structure,” do I?

    Thanks for sticking with this. I may actually get it solved. ?? (May need to come back to it in the a.m. though.)

    [edit] Do I just click “Empty”?

    Read this:


    I’m serious. Read it.

    I can’t do anything about this particular problem until SOMEBODY actually sends me logs showing that Technorati’s bot is being blocked. Now go read it.

    Moderator James Huff


    Yes, first export the log table and send it to Michael (see the link in the post above) and briefly explain the Technorati troubles and the fact that you were using v1.2.2 when it happened. Then, hit the “Empty” button for the log table.

    Okay Michael and macmanx, I will do as instructed tomorrow. (It’s too late for it tonight as I’ve never tried exporting anything from phpMyAdmin, and don’t want to get into something new when I’m not alert.) Thanks again.

    As an update, I did export the log table and sent it to Michael. He found some pertinent info in it and informed Technorati so that they might make the needed changes in their bot.

    I then emptied the log table. That seems to have Technorati now picking up my posts. So that’s some success. ?? However, Blogdigger still isn’t picking them up. (Neither is Blo.gs, but their service seems pretty limited right now, so I don’t make much of that.) I notice that now, approaching two hours after emptying the table, there still has been no new table created. i.e., having refreshed the Bad Behavior log, “Browse” is still not clickable. I don’t know how to interpret that, don’t know if a new table would appear as soon as anything is blocked or only at some other intervals. If the former, then it seems Blogdigger’s bot (not to mention spammers) hasn’t even come to the site yet.

    I don’t need to do anything special to allow a new table to begin to be created, do I?

    At any rate, thanks for the help. Looks like I’ve basically got it sorted out. ??

    Oh, and I neglected to deactivate Bad Behavior before emptying the table. Hope that wasn’t an error. I did deactivate it and reactivate it afterward. (Can you tell I’m an expert at this stuff? :-/)

    Moderator James Huff


    Do this to fix your log problem:

    1. Check the bad-behavior-wordpress.php file. Make sure that you have $wp_bb_logging set to TRUE.

    2. Deactivate the Bad Behavior plugin.

    3. Delete (drop) the Bad Behavior log table.

    4. Activate the Bad Behavior plugin.

    Thanks macmanx. Actually, it seemed to have worked itself out anyway. After being away for a while, I came back to find a new log table had been started, and had a couple of entries. Just for the practice, though, I went ahead and stepped throught the procedures you outlined above. ??

    I guess Blogdigger just isn’t responding to some pings. Overloaded, malfunctioning, or whatever…

    The issue with technorati should be resolved. If it isn’t, let me know and I’ll yell at them some more.

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