• I use v1.5. My pings do not seem to be working at all. I have used other blogs trackback feature, but yet I am never listed on their trackback page. Also, technorati has no clue my website is out there, even when I create my own technorati tags and insert them into my posts. Technorati has even said “No posts exist for this tag” yet there is a link to that tag in my post. Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong? TIA


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  • Have a look at this bug to see if it affects you. BTW, if you list your blog in your profile, it’ll make it easier for us to help you.

    ….you know Technorati seems to be oblivious to me as well. I don’t know if my trackbacks aren’t working, though I’m rather sure they are. I do them so infrequently I can’t remember any recent time of doing one. (Definitely not since I rebuilt my site.)

    EDIT: Actually I just tested my trackbacks and they are working. The Technorati thing, however is exactly the same for me and I’ve no idea what is the reason for it (but I don’t think these two are mutually exclusive to one another as evidenced by my ability to trackback).

    Thread Starter mgrace74


    ifelse – I just updated my profile to include my website. I also checked the issue with the bug. Thanks, but my code seems to be fine:
    // Send a Trackback
    function trackback($trackback_url, $title, $excerpt, $ID) {
    global $wpdb;
    $title = urlencode($title);
    $excerpt = urlencode($excerpt);
    $blog_name = urlencode(get_settings('blogname'));
    $tb_url = $trackback_url;
    $url = urlencode(get_permalink($ID));
    $query_string = "title=$title&url=$url&blog_name=$blog_name&excerpt=$excerpt";
    $trackback_url = parse_url($trackback_url);
    $http_request = 'POST ' . $trackback_url['path'] . ($trackback_url['query'] ? '?'.$trackback_url['query'] : '') . " HTTP/1.0rn";
    $http_request .= 'Host: '.$trackback_url['host']."rn";
    $http_request .= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset='.get_settings('blog_charset')."rn";
    $http_request .= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($query_string)."rn";
    $http_request .= "User-Agent: WordPress/" . get_settings('version');
    $http_request .= "rnrn";
    $http_request .= $query_string;
    if ( '' == $trackback_url['port'] )
    $trackback_url['port'] = 80;
    $fs = @fsockopen($trackback_url['host'], $trackback_url['port'], $errno, $errstr, 4);
    @fputs($fs, $http_request);
    $debug_file = 'trackback.log';
    $fp = fopen($debug_file, 'a');
    fwrite($fp, "n*****nRequest:nn$http_requestnnResponse:nn");
    while(!@feof($fs)) {
    fwrite($fp, @fgets($fs, 4096));
    fwrite($fp, "nn");

    $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET pinged = CONCAT(pinged, 'n', '$tb_url') WHERE ID = '$ID'");
    $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET to_ping = REPLACE(to_ping, '$tb_url', '') WHERE ID = '$ID'");
    return $result;

    ceo – I know that my trackbacks and pinging technorati is not working. I’ve been checking sites that I have used the trackback feature for, and have gotten nothing. In fact, I can’t say that it has ever worked properly.

    Same problem here. I downloaded WP 1.5 less than a week ago (after 2005-04-15) and my situation is:

    – outgoing pingback (auto) does NOT work (tested with different WP and MT blogs)
    – outgoing trackback (manual) does work
    – incoming pingback and trackback both work

    Since pingback is supposed to work fully automated, I can’t tell if my WP even *tried* to do the pingbacks, or, if it didn’t due to some config errors.

    Thread Starter mgrace74


    What’s so very frustrating is that even when I manually ping a site like technorati, or someone’s personal blog with the feature to manually ping their site, my site still does not show up in their list of trackbacks.

    “Manually ping”? I thought pingback is always done by the publishing software automatically parsing the linked blogs for a XML-RPC entry. How do you “manually ping” in WP? Or do you mean “manually perform a trackback” by that?

    Thread Starter mgrace74


    I meant manually do a trackback…and I haven’t run across anybody’s site in WP that let’s me do that.

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