• tamarah01


    I am running into a problem with my WordPress website, namely: pinning images from my website to Pinterest. And also: the automatic product catalog from Pinterest isn’t working. But both problems seem to have the same cause. I have already investigated all sorts of things and seem to be getting closer to the root of the problem, little by little. What happens: the moment I start pinning, something on my website pastes /null/ after the URL. As a result, I see in the logs of my website that it gives an error 404 at that moment. Logical, because that URL doesn’t exist. But so I haven’t yet figured out what is causing the problem on my website.

    I have already tried several things:

    – Removed all other code from my .htaccess, except the essential code from WordPress itself.

    – Deactivated/removed the plugins ‘All in One WP Security’ and ‘WP Super Cache’.

    – Removed and reset the ‘Pinterest for Woocommerce’ plugin

    – Checked wp-config.php and checked for crazy things

    But all these things have no effect. So now I really don’t know what is causing the problem and I have quite a lot of plugins on my site (see below). Some plugins, like Salient’s, are automatically installed by the theme. Has anyone had a similar problem and does anyone know which plugin or setting is causing this?

    – All in One WP Security

    – Contact form 7

    – Contact form 7 multilingual

    – Flamingo

    – Gelato Integration for Woocommerce

    – Honeypot for Contact Form 7

    – Laposta Signup Basic

    – Laposta WooCommerce

    – Modula

    – Performance Lab

    – Pinterest for Woocommerce

    – Post SMTP

    – Redirection

    – Salient Core

    – Salient Custom Branding

    – Salient Demo importer

    – Salient Home Slider

    – Salient Nectar Slider

    – Salient Portfolio

    – Salient Shortcodes

    – Salient Social

    – Salient Widgets

    – Salient WPBakery Page Builder

    – Woocommerce

    – Woocommerce Legacy REST API

    – Woocommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency

    – Woocommerce PayPal Payments

    – WooPayments

    – WP 2FA – Two-factor authentication for WordPress

    – WP Super Cache

    – WPML CMS Nav

    – WPML Multilingual CMS

    – WPML SEO

    – WPML String Translation

    – WPVivid Backup Plugin

    – Yoast SEO

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • As someone who knows Pinterest but doesn’t use it that much: how do you pin something? Can you briefly describe how you do it and where you see the URL?

    Thread Starter tamarah01


    I tried multiple methods of pinning and all the methods caused an error.

    Method ‘Pin button website’: Opens the pop-up from Pinterest itself where I see all the thumbnails/images from the current page or the image that I selected for pinning. So that works. But at the moment that I’m pressing the ‘save’ button I’m getting the error that something went wrong. And in the error logs from my hosting I saw that it was somehow trying to save the URL of the page with /null/ pasted after it instead of the normal URL, causing the 404 error.

    Method ‘copying link of my page and making a pin on Pinterest’s own website’: With this method I copy the URL of my page, go to Pinterest.com and make a new (organic) pin there. With the ‘save from URL’ option. When I paste my URL there, it keeps loading and after a while I get the error ‘JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier “upstream”‘ on my screen.

    Method ‘pinning image url on Pinterest website’: Same as the previous, but then with just an image link from my website. Same error.

    And then the last one, which is the Pinterest catalogue that’s not functioning after I installed the Pinterest for Woocommerce plugin. I see the following errors in Pinterest’s catalogue diagnostics:

    1300: Contact your image hosting service provider. Their server encountered an error while processing the request to download your?image_link?value.
    1306: Some additional images could not be downloaded because requests to the image host’s server are rate-limited. HTTP status code response: 429.

    For that I have already contacted the makers of the Woocommerce for Pinterest plugin and they gave me some advice, but none of it is working. Like: checking the permissions, checking the urls, clearing the cache and checking with the hosting provider if everything is working. All the things they mentioned are working properly and no problems there!

    I tried both of your methods, but all I get is a JSON error message from Pinterest. I don’t see the URLs being retrieved anywhere here. Where do you see them?

    Thread Starter tamarah01


    I can see those in the access logs. For privacy purposes I blurred out my IP address, but here you can see a screenshot of what happens when I press the pin button. The browser doesn’t matter for this, because Chrome gives the same response. All goes well with only 200 response codes until the moment that I marked with a red line with the 404 response.

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