• I had a lot of issues with my website tonight, and had to call tech support three separate times. They deleted all of my plugins and I had to call them yet again so that I could get them back, but of course they didn’t come the way I had them set up. I had to re-do everything, and re-activate every single plugin I previously had.

    I have never had problems with pinning to pinterest from my website before, but now when I try to pin pictures from my website, I get this code:
    Parameter ‘browser_extension_tracking_id was not numeric (was Zemf6fTSq1AS)

    (You can see for yourself at https://www.wandertheworldgirl.com if that’s easier).

    I am so beyond frustrated right now, can anyone help?

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  • No Baekso, that doesn’t fix it. Your script doesn’t work.

    Your example doesn’t use the true hover pin. I put your script code on this page : https://davidstilesblog.com/July2015/SUCCESSFUL-WOMEN-IN-BUSINESS-AND-WHAT-IT-TAKES-TO-GET-THERE.htm and when I hover over the photo of Taylor Swift and try to pin it, the error code comes up. We all have this Pinterest code on our pages: <script type=”text/javascript” async defer data-pin-color=”red” data-pin-height=”28″ data-pin-hover=”true” src=”//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js”> and the script you posted doesn’t work with it. You have an exact image named on your example page where we have the “(hover) pin whatever image is on the page” code from Pinterest.

    I have the exact same problem. I hope there is a quick fix for this.

    Thread Starter chel2thec


    So, what I’m getting is that this is something we need to wait for pinterest to fix, correct? Just verifying.

    Sorry that I started this post without doing research, I just assumed that since I’d had SO many other issues with my site yesterday that this was an effect of tech support trying to fix my stuff. Normally I’d google it on my own first!

    If you HOVER over the image and then a Pin It button appears, that’s the one that doesn’t work today and if you want to be able to pin pins, then you’ll need to install one of the above Pin It button browser extensions or go see them on my page: https://davidstilesblog.com/July2015/PINTEREST-PIN-IT-BUTTON-NOT-WORKING.htm

    Thread Starter chel2thec


    Okay – If I choose to just sit it out, will it be fixed by pinterest eventually? Or is this something I must do in order for it to work ever again? Sorry, clearly I’m very new at all of this!

    From Pinterest support…..

    Becky (Pinterest Help)
    Jul 23, 16:13
    Hi Mark,
    Sorry for the trouble with the hovering Pin It button! Looks like this is our fault, and I’ve reported it to my team so we can look into it further. We’ll work hard to figure out what’s going on and hope to fix it soon.
    In the meantime, you should be able to Pin using the Pinterest browser button. You can download the extension here. After installing, you’ll see a red P at the top of your browser, just click that whenever you find something on the web you want to save.
    Thanks for your continued patience, and let me know if there’s anything else we can help you with.
    Becky | Community Specialist

    I’m having the same issue. Asking users to install their browser button is not a solution considering their current privacy policy. FYI: Using that feature enables Pinterest to gather a ton of data on its users. Grrr. !!

    YUP…same issue. Have had to install a different plug-in….but it doesn’t work the same.
    I did report to Pinterest….they said they will look into it. Guess we will see what happens. Sure is a pain…working one day and not the next!! Damn frustrating…and a huge time waster!!

    Thanks markpost

    What extension is Becky speaking about…please

    “You can download the extension here.:

    Thank you!

    My Pin it buttons on my website are now working this morning Tried a few different fixes last night, all to no avail. Hopefully that means Pinterest have fixed the issue and all will be working again.

    Yes, the pin it Hover button is working again. No need to install any extensions.

    It is working again! Was able to pin without having the error. So it wasn’t wordpress after all and was on Pinterest side of the problem


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