love the look of the site, if only mine looked as neat ??
only thing i’ve noticed is the navigation – you’ve got pages/cat/archive drop links up the top, then basically duplicate them right away on the left hand side. personally i’d change that somehow.
and maybe put the “Filed under” and “posted by / comments” bits on new lines. most of the posts seem to have the meta spread on to 2 lines anyway, but half the time the posted by is on the right, then its on the left, then on the right again…
the search bar looks kinda oversised compared to the rest of the content on the right… you could change the input box border to blue too.
annndd, the whole site is blue & white, yet you’ve got a long black and white image in the footer. wouldn’t it look nicer if it was blue & white?
EDIT: just realised the above is probably all down to the theme. ah well…