• Hi,

    i had to add some polish translations, and i want to share it with you so that it can be implemented in next version. I didn’t make all translations in this file, but most of those, that admins (editors) will aproach. You can use it, you don’t have to – your choice ?? Here’s my .po file ??

    # Copyright (C) 2012 Participants Database
    # This file is distributed under the same license as the Participants Database package.
    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    "Project-Id-Version: Participants Database 1.3.4\n"
    "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://www.ads-software.com/tag/participants-database\n"
    "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-27 17:36:25+00:00\n"
    "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-01 16:06-1000\n"
    "Last-Translator: Roland Barker <[email protected]>\n"
    "Language-Team: PiK\n"
    "Language: pl_PL\n"
    "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
    "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.5\n"
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:324
    #: classes/xnau_FormElement.class.php:986 manage_fields.php:461
    msgid "delete"
    msgstr "usuń"
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:433
    msgid "Text-line"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:434
    msgid "Text Area"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:435
    msgid "Rich Text"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:436
    msgid "Checkbox"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:437
    msgid "Radio Buttons"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:438
    msgid "Dropdown List"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:439
    msgid "Date Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:440
    msgid "Dropdown/Other"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:441
    msgid "Multiselect Checkbox"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:442
    msgid "Radio Buttons/Other"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:443
    msgid "Multiselect/Other"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:444
    msgid "Link Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:445
    msgid "Image Upload Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:446
    msgid "File Upload Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:447
    msgid "Hidden Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:448
    msgid "Password Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php:449
    msgid "CAPTCHA"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Init.class.php:700
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Participant Info"
    msgstr "Dodaj kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_Init.class.php:701
    msgid "Personal Info"
    msgstr "Dane osobsite"
    #: classes/PDb_Init.class.php:702
    msgid "Administrative Info"
    msgstr "Dane administracyjne"
    #: classes/PDb_Init.class.php:703
    msgid "Record Info"
    msgstr "Dane wpisu"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:786 templates/pdb-list-bootstrap.php:34
    #: templates/pdb-list-detailed.php:31 templates/pdb-search-default.php:22
    msgid "Please select a column to search in."
    msgstr "Wybierz column? do przeszukania."
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:787 templates/pdb-list-bootstrap.php:35
    #: templates/pdb-list-detailed.php:32 templates/pdb-search-default.php:23
    msgid "Please type in something to search for."
    msgstr "Wpisz warto?? do wyszukania."
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:795 templates/pdb-list-bootstrap.php:45
    #: templates/pdb-list-detailed.php:47 templates/pdb-search-default.php:35
    msgid "Search"
    msgstr "Szukaj"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:810 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:491
    #: templates/pdb-list-bootstrap.php:62 templates/pdb-list-detailed.php:75
    #: templates/pdb-search-default.php:63
    msgid "Sort by"
    msgstr "Kolejno?? wg"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:881
    msgid "select"
    msgstr "wybierz"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:952 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:506
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:810 classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:836
    msgid "Ascending"
    msgstr "Rosn?co"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:953 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:507
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:810 classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:836
    msgid "Descending"
    msgstr "Malej?co"
    #. translators: the following 5 strings are used in logic matching, please test
    #. after translating in case special characters cause problems
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:1385 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:857
    msgctxt "submit button label"
    msgid "Delete Checked"
    msgstr "Skasuj zaznaczone"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:1386 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:858
    msgctxt "submit button label"
    msgid "Change"
    msgstr "Zmień"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:1387 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:859
    msgctxt "submit button label"
    msgid "Sort"
    msgstr "Sortuj"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:1388 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:860
    msgctxt "submit button label"
    msgid "Filter"
    msgstr "Filtr"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:1389 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:861
    msgctxt "submit button label"
    msgid "Clear"
    msgstr "Wyczy??"
    #: classes/PDb_List.class.php:1390 classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:862
    msgctxt "search button label"
    msgid "Search"
    msgstr "Szukaj"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:199
    msgid "Record delete successful."
    msgstr "Wpis zosta? pomy?lnie usuni?ty."
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:360 participants-database.php:508
    msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected record?"
    msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz skasowa? wybrany wiersz?"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:361 participants-database.php:509
    msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected records?"
    msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz skasowa? wybrane wiersze?"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:426 participants-database.php:416
    #: participants-database.php:417
    msgid "List Participants"
    msgstr "Lista kursantów"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:427
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "%s record found, sorted by: %s"
    msgid_plural "%s records found, sorted by: %s"
    msgstr[0] "Nie znaleziono kursanta %s"
    msgstr[1] "Nie znaleziono kursanta %s"
    msgstr[2] "Nie znaleziono kursanta %s"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:447
    msgid "Show only records with"
    msgstr "Poka? tylko kursantów z"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:609
    msgctxt "joins two search terms, such as in \"Show only records with last name that is Smith\""
    msgid "that"
    msgstr "które"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:655
    msgid "Number of filters to use: "
    msgstr "Ilo?? filtrów do u?ycia:"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:609
    msgctxt "phrase used just before naming the action to perform on the selected items"
    msgid "With selected"
    msgstr "Akcja grupowa"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:450
    msgid "show all"
    msgstr "poka? wszystkie"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:475
    msgid "is"
    msgstr "jest"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:476
    msgid "is not"
    msgstr "nie jest"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:477
    msgid "contains"
    msgstr "zawiera"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:478
    msgid "doesn't contain"
    msgstr "nie zawiera"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:479
    msgid "is greater than"
    msgstr "jest wi?kszy ni?"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:480
    msgid "is less than"
    msgstr "jest mniejszy ni?"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:546
    msgid "Show %s items per page."
    msgstr "Poka? %s wierszy na stronie"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:760
    msgid "No records found"
    msgstr "Nie znaleziono ?adnego kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:778
    msgid "Export CSV"
    msgstr "Eksport pliku CSV"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:791
    msgid "File Name"
    msgstr "Nazwa pliku"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:793
    msgid "Download CSV for this list"
    msgstr "?ci?gnij list? w formacie CSV"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:794
    msgid "Include field titles"
    msgstr "Uwzgl?dnij tytu?y pól"
    #: classes/PDb_List_Admin.class.php:797
    msgid ""
    "This will download the whole list of participants that match your search "
    "terms, and in the order specified by the sort. The export will include "
    "records on all list pages. The fields included in the export are defined in "
    "the \"CSV\" column on the Manage Database Fields page."
    msgstr ""
    "Spowoduje to ?ci?gni?cie pe?nej listy kursantów, które spe?niaj? twoje "
    "kryteria wyszukiwania, w ustalonej tutaj kolejno?ci. Eksport b?dzie zawiera? "
    "wpisy ze wszystkich stron. Pola zawarte w eksporcie definiuje si? w kolumnie "
    "\"CSV\" w na stronie zarz?dzania polami bazy danych."
    #: classes/PDb_Pagination.class.php:355
    msgid "First"
    msgstr "Pierwszy"
    #: classes/PDb_Pagination.class.php:365 participants-database.php:2820
    msgid "Previous"
    msgstr "Poprzedni"
    #: classes/PDb_Pagination.class.php:382 participants-database.php:2819
    msgid "Next"
    msgstr "Nast?pny"
    #: classes/PDb_Pagination.class.php:394
    msgid "Last"
    msgstr "Ostatni"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:18
    msgid "General Settings"
    msgstr "Ustawienia ogólne"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:19
    msgid "Signup Form Settings"
    msgstr "Formatka rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:20
    msgid "Record Form Settings"
    msgstr "Formatka kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:21
    msgid "List Display Settings"
    msgstr "Ustawienia listowania"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:22
    msgid "Resend Link Settings"
    msgstr "Ustawienia wysy?ania linków"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:23
    msgid "Advanced Settings"
    msgstr "Ustawienia zaawansowane"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:24
    msgid "Custom CSS"
    msgstr "Niestandardowy CSS"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:28
    msgid ""
    "Settings for the [pdb_record] shortcode, which is used to show a user-"
    "editable form on the website."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:29
    msgid ""
    "Settings for the [pdb_list] shortcode, which is used to show a list of "
    "records from the database."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:30
    msgid ""
    "Settings for the [pdb_signup] shortcode, which is used to show a signup or "
    "registration form on the website."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:31
    msgid "Settings for the lost private link resend function."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:32
    msgid "Settings for special configurations."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:33
    msgid ""
    "User CSS rules for styling plugin displays.</h4><p>If you're new to CSS, try "
    "this tutorial to help you get started: <a href=\"https://www.ostraining.com/"
    "blog/wordpress/firebug-wordpress-css/\">Use Firebug for Editing WordPress "
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:42
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Save Plugin Settings"
    msgstr "Ustawienia zapisywania"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:82
    msgid "File Upload Location"
    msgstr "Lokalizacja ?adowanych plików"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:86
    msgid ""
    "This defines where the uploaded files will go, relative to the WordPress "
    "root. The default location is '/wp-content/uploads/participants-"
    "database'<br />Don't put it in the plugin folder, the images and files could "
    "get deleted when the plugin is updated."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:93
    msgid "File Upload Limit"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:97
    msgid "the maximum allowed file size (in kilobytes) for an uploaded file"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:104
    msgid "Allowed File Types"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:108
    msgid ""
    "list of allowed file types by file extension. Please be aware that there are "
    "security risks in allowing file uploads."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:115
    msgid "Default Image"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:119
    msgid ""
    "Path (relative to WP root) of an image file to show if no image has been "
    "defined for an image field. Leave blank for no default image."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:126
    msgid "Link Image to Fullsize"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:131
    msgid ""
    "place a link to the full-size image on images. This link will work with most "
    "\"lightbox\" plugins."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:139
    msgid "Allow File Delete"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:144
    msgid ""
    "if checked, allows uploaded files and images to be deleted from storage when "
    "deleted from a record by a user"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:152
    msgid "Make Links Clickable"
    msgstr "Twórz klikalne odno?niki"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:157
    msgid ""
    "if a \"text-line\" field looks like a link (begins with \"http\" or is an "
    "email address) make it clickable"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:165
    msgid "Protect Email Addresses"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:170
    msgid "protect email addresses in text-line fields with Javascript"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:178
    msgid "Missing Field Error Message"
    msgstr "Komunikat brakuj?cego pola"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:182
    msgid ""
    "the message shown when a field is required, but left empty (the %s is "
    "replaced by the name of the field)"
    msgstr ""
    "komunikat pojawia si? kiedy pole obowi?zkowe pozostawiono puste (%s jest "
    "zast?powane przez nazw? pola)"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:183
    msgid "The %s field is required."
    msgstr "Pole %s jest obowi?zkowe."
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:189
    msgid "Invalid Field Error Message"
    msgstr "Komunikat nieprawid?owego pola"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:193
    msgid ""
    "the message shown when a field's value does not pass the validation test"
    msgstr ""
    "komunikat pojawia si? kiedy zawarto?? nie jest zgodna z na?o?onymi "
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:194
    msgid "The %s field appears to be incorrect."
    msgstr "Pole %s jest nieprawid?owe."
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:200
    msgid "Non-Matching Field Error Message"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:204
    msgid ""
    "the message shown when a field's value does match the value of another "
    "field. The first %s will show the name of the field, the second will show "
    "the name of the filed it must match."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:205
    msgid "The %s field must match the %s field."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:212
    msgid "Failed CAPTCHA Message"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:216
    msgid "the message shown when the CAPTCHA (verify human) test failed"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:217
    msgid "Pleast try the %s question again."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:223
    msgid "Field Error Style"
    msgstr "Styl b??dnego pola"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:227
    msgid ""
    "the CSS style applied to an input or text field that is missing or has not "
    "passed validation. This must be a valid CSS rule"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:234
    msgid "Mark Required Fields"
    msgstr "Zaznacz pola obowi?zkowe"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:239
    msgid "mark the title of required fields?"
    msgstr "czy oznacza? nazwy pól obowi?zkowych?"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:247
    msgid "Required Field Marker"
    msgstr "Znacznik pola obowi?zkowego"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:251
    msgid ""
    "html added to field title for required fields if selected above (the %s is "
    "replaced by the title of the field)"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:276
    msgid "Signup Button Text"
    msgstr "Tekst klawisza rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:280
    msgid "text shown on the button to sign up"
    msgstr "tekst pokazywany na przycisku rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:281
    msgctxt "the text on a button to submit a signup form"
    msgid "Sign Up"
    msgstr "Rejestruj"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:287
    msgid "Signup Thanks Page"
    msgstr "Strona odpowiedzi na rejestracj?"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:291
    msgid ""
    "after they register, send them to this page for a thank you message. This "
    "page is where you put the [pdb_signup_thanks] shortcode, but you don't "
    "have to do that if you have them go back to the same page. You can also use "
    "a Post ID for posts and custom post types."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:300
    msgid "Show Field Groups"
    msgstr "Poka? grupy pól"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:305
    msgid "Show groups and group descriptions in the signup form."
    msgstr "Poka? grupy i opisy grup w formularzu rejestracyjnym."
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:313
    msgid "Duplicate Record Check Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:318
    msgid ""
    "when a signup is submitted or CSV record is imported, this field is checked "
    "for a duplicate"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:325
    msgid "Duplicate Record Preference"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:330
    msgid ""
    "when the submission matches the Duplicate Record Check Field of an existing "
    "record. This also applies to importing records from a CSV file."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:333
    msgid "Create a new record with the submission"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:334
    msgid "Overwrite matching record with new data"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:335
    msgid "Show a validation error message"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:343
    msgid "Duplicate Record Error Message"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:347
    msgid ""
    "If \"Show a validation error message\" is selected above, this message will "
    "be shown if a signup is made with a \"check field\" that matches an existing "
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:348
    msgid "A record with that %s already exists. Please choose another."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:354
    msgid "Send Signup Response Email"
    msgstr "Wy?lij email potwierdzaj?cy rejestracj?"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:358
    msgid "Send a receipt email to people who sign up"
    msgstr "Wy?lij potwierdzenie do osób, które si? zarejestrowa?y"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:366
    msgid "Signup Email From Address"
    msgstr "Adres email nadawcy potwierdzenia rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:370
    msgid ""
    "the \"From\" address on signup receipt emails. If the recipient hits \"reply"
    "\", their reply will go to this address. It is a good idea to use an email "
    "address from the same domain as this website."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:377
    msgid "Signup Email From Name"
    msgstr "Czytelna nazwa nadawcy potwierdzenia rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:381
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "the \"From\" name on signup receipt emails."
    msgstr "nazwa nadawcy potwierdzeń rejestracji."
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:388
    msgid "Signup Response Email Subject"
    msgstr "Temat odpowiedzi na rejestracj?"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:392
    msgid ""
    "subject line for the signup response email; placeholder tags can be used "
    "(see below)"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:393
    msgid "You've just signed up on %s"
    msgstr "Zarejestrowa?e? si? na %s"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:399
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Signup Response Email"
    msgstr "Adres email na odpowied? potwierdzenia rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:403
    msgid ""
    "Body of the email a visitor gets when they sign up. It includes a link "
    "([record_link]) back to their record so they can fill it out. Can include "
    "HTML, placeholders:[first_name],[last_name],[email],[record_link]. You can "
    "only use placeholders for fields that are present in the signup form, "
    "including hidden fields."
    msgstr ""
    #. translators: the %s will be the name of the website
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:405
    msgid ""
    "<p>Thank you, [first_name], for signing up with %s.</p><p>You may complete "
    "your registration with additional information or update your information by "
    "visiting this private link at any time: <a href="
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:411
    msgid "Signup Thanks Message"
    msgstr "Tre?? podzi?kowania za rejestracj?"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:415
    msgid ""
    "Note to display on the web page after someone has submitted a signup form. "
    "Can include HTML and placeholders (see above)"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:416
    msgid ""
    "<p>Thank you, [first_name] for signing up!</p><p>You will receive an email "
    "acknowledgement shortly. You may complete your registration with additional "
    "information or update your information by visiting the link provided in the "
    msgstr ""
    "<p>Dzi?kujemy, [first_name] za rejestracj?!</p><p>Wkrótce otrzymasz "
    "potwierdzenie emailem. Mo?esz wtedy uzupe?nic swoje dane korzystaj?c z "
    "odno?nika, który b?dzie zawarty w potwierdzeniu.</p>"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:422
    msgid "Send Signup Notification Email"
    msgstr "Wy?lij powiadomienie o nowej rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:427
    msgid "Send an email notification that a signup has occurred."
    msgstr "Wy?lij powiadomienie o tym, ?e dokonano nowej rejestracji."
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:436
    msgid "Signup Notification Recipients"
    msgstr "Odbiorcy powiadomień o nowych rejestracjach"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:440
    msgid "comma-separated list of email addresses to send signup notifications to"
    msgstr ""
    "oddzielona przecinkami lista adresów email, na które zostanie rozes?ane "
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:447
    msgid "Signup Notification Email Subject"
    msgstr "Temat powiadomienia o rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:451 classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:565
    msgid ""
    "subject of the notification email; placeholder tags can be used (see above)"
    msgstr ""
    #. translators: the %s will be the name of the website
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:453
    msgid "New signup on %s"
    msgstr "Nowa rejestracja na %s"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:459
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Signup Notification Email"
    msgstr "Adres email nadawcy powiadomienia o nowej rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:463
    msgid ""
    "notification email body. The [admin_record_link] tag will supply the URL for "
    "editing the record in the admin."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:464
    msgid ""
    "<p>A new signup has been submitted</p><ul><li>Name: [first_name] "
    "[last_name]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul><p>Edit this new record here: <a "
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:476
    msgid "Enable Lost Private Link"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:481
    msgid ""
    "Show a link on the signup form allowing users to have their private link "
    "emailed to them."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:489
    msgid "Lost Private Link Text"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:493
    msgid "clickable text shown in the signup form"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:494 templates/pdb-signup-bootstrap.php:56
    msgid "Forget your private link? Click here to have it emailed to you."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:499
    msgid "Lost Private Link Page"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:504
    msgid "send people to this page to request their private link."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:513
    msgid "Lost Private Link ID Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:517
    msgid ""
    "The field used to identify the user's account. This must be a unique "
    "identifier for the record"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:525
    msgid "Lost Private Link Email Subject"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:529
    msgid "subject line for the lost private link email"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:530
    msgid "Here is your private link on %s"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:536
    msgid "Lost Private Link Email"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:540
    msgid "Body of the email sent when a lost private link is requested."
    msgstr ""
    #. translators: the %s will be the name of the website
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:542
    msgid "Here is the private link you requested from %s:"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:548
    msgid "Send Lost Private Link Notification Email"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:553
    msgid ""
    "Send an email notification that a lost private link has been requested. This "
    "email will go to the \"Signup Notification Recipients.\""
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:561
    msgid "Lost Private Link Notification Email Subject"
    msgstr ""
    #. translators: the %s will be the name of the website
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:567
    msgid "A Lost Private Link has been requested on %s"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:573
    msgid "Lost Private Link Notification Email"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:577
    msgid "notification email body"
    msgstr "tre?? powiadomienia o nowej rejestracji"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:578
    msgid ""
    "<p>A lost private link has been requested by:</p><ul><li>Name: [first_name] "
    "[last_name]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul>"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:584
    msgid "Retrieve Private Link Error Message"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:588
    msgid ""
    "Message shown when a record matching the retrieve link idenifier cannot be "
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:589
    msgid "A record matching that %s cannot be found."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:601
    msgid "Participant Record Page"
    msgstr "Szczegó?owa strona kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:606
    msgid ""
    "The page where your participant record ([pdb_record] shortcode) is "
    "displayed. You can use a Post ID for posts and custom post types."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:614
    msgid "Show Group Descriptions"
    msgstr "Poka? opisy grup"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:619
    msgid "Show the group description under each group title in the record form."
    msgstr "Pokazuj opis grupy pod ka?d? nazw? grupy na formularzu kursanta. "
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:627
    msgid "Save Changes Label"
    msgstr "Etykieta zapisu zmian"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:632
    msgid "label for the save changes button on the record form"
    msgstr "etykieta przycisku zapisywania zmian na stronie kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:633
    msgid "Save Your Changes"
    msgstr "Zapisz wszystkie zmiany"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:639
    msgid "Save Button Text"
    msgstr "Tekst przycisku Zapisz"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:644
    msgid "text on the \"save\" button"
    msgstr "tre?? wypisana na przycisku \"zapisz\""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:645
    msgctxt "a label for a button to save a form"
    msgid "Save"
    msgstr "Zapisz"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:651
    msgid "Record Updated Message"
    msgstr "Komunikat o aktualizacji kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:655
    msgid "the message shown when a record form has been successfully submitted"
    msgstr "komunikat ukazuj?cy si? po przyj?ciu poprawnego formularza"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:656
    msgid "Your information has been updated"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:662
    msgid "Record Not Found Error Message"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:666
    msgid ""
    "message to show if the record page was accessed without a valid identifier. "
    "Leave this empty if you want nothing at all to show."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:667
    msgid "No record was found."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:673
    msgid "Send Record Form Update Notification Email"
    msgstr "Wy?lij potwierdzenie aktualizacji kursanta emailem"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:678
    msgid ""
    "Send an email notification that a record has been updated. These will be "
    "sent to the email addresses listed in the \"Signup Notification Recipients\" "
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:686
    msgid "Record Update Email Subject"
    msgstr "Temat informacji o aktualizacji kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:690
    msgid ""
    "subject line for the record update notification email; placeholders can be "
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:691
    msgid "A record has just been updated on %s"
    msgstr "Zaktualizowano kursanta na %s"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:697
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Record Update Notification Email"
    msgstr "Powiadomienie o aktualizacji kursanta"
    #. translators: [date] and [admin_record_link] must not be translated, they
    #. must be used literally. The rest of the words enclosed in brackets can be
    #. defined by the user, they are used here only as examples.
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:702
    msgid ""
    "Body of the the email sent when a user updates their record. Any field from "
    "the form can be included by using a replacement code of the form: "
    "[field_name]. For instance: [last_name],[address],[email] etc. (The field "
    "name is under the \"name\" column on the \"Manage Database Fields\" page.)  "
    "Also available is [date] which will show the date and time of the update and "
    "[admin_record_link] tag for a link to edit the record in the admin."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:703
    msgid ""
    "<p>The following record was updated on [date]:</p><ul><li>Name: [first_name] "
    "[last_name]</li><li>Address: [address]</li><li>[city], [state], [country]</"
    "li><li>Phone: [phone]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul><p>Edit this record <a "
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:716
    msgid "Records per Page"
    msgstr "Wierszy na stronie"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:720
    msgid "the number of records to show on each page"
    msgstr "liczba wierszy do pokazania na ka?dej stronie"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:728
    msgid "Single Record Link Field"
    msgstr "Pole odno?nika "
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:733
    msgid ""
    "select the field on which to put a link to the [pdb_single] shortcode. Leave "
    "blank or set to \"none\" for no link."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:740
    msgid "Single Record Page"
    msgstr "Szczegó?owa strona kursanta"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:746
    msgid ""
    "this is the page where the [pdb_single] shortcode is located. If you want to "
    "assign a post or custom post type, select \"Post ID\" and enter the post ID "
    "in the \"other\" box."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:753
    msgid "No Records Message"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:757
    msgid "Message shown when no records are found."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:758
    msgid "No Records Found"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:763
    msgid "Show Count"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:768
    msgid "Show the list count on list displays. Can also be set in the shortcode."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:776
    msgid "List Count Template"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:780
    msgid ""
    "template for displaying the list count. %1$s - total number of records "
    "found, %2$s - number of records shown per page, %3$s - starting record "
    "number, %4$s - ending record number, %5$s - the current page number"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:781
    msgid "Total Records Found: %1$s, showing %2$s per page"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:791
    msgid "List Default Sort"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:797
    msgid ""
    "The record list shown by the list shortcode will be sorted by this field by "
    "default. (Field must be checked \"sortable.\")"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:804
    msgid "List Default Sort Order"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:808
    msgid "Sets the default order of the records shown by the list shortcode."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:817
    msgid "Admin List Default Sort"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:823
    msgid ""
    "The record list shown in the admin section will be sorted by this field by "
    "default. (Field must be checked \"sortable.\")"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:830
    msgid "Admin List Default Sort Order"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:834
    msgid "Sets the default order of the record list in the admin."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:842
    msgid "Show Image Thumbnails in Admin List"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:861
    msgid "Use the Plugin CSS"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:866
    msgid "use the plugin's CSS to style the output of shortcodes"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:874
    msgid "Use Rich Text Editor"
    msgstr "U?yj edytora wizualnego"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:879
    msgid ""
    "enable the rich text editor on \"rich-text\" fields for front-end users. If "
    "deselected, \"rich-text\" fields will appear as text-area fields. This does "
    "not affect admin users, who always have the use of the rich-text editor."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:887
    msgid "Use WordPress Auto Formatting"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:892
    msgid "Use WordPress' auto formatting on rich text fields."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:900
    msgid "Primary Email Address Field"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:905
    msgid "this field is the primary email address for the record"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:913
    msgid "Send HTML Email"
    msgstr "Wy?lij wiadomo?? HTML"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:918
    msgid ""
    "use rich text in plugin emails? If you turn this off, be sure to remove all "
    "HTML tags from the email body settings for the plugin."
    msgstr ""
    "Czy u?ywa? tekstu formatowanego w emailach wtyczki? Je?li to wy??czysz, "
    "upewnij si? ?e usun??e? wszystkie tagi HTML z ustawień tre?ci emaili."
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:926
    msgid "Strict Date Format"
    msgstr "Dok?adny format daty"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:931
    msgid ""
    "This forces date inputs to be interpreted strictly according to the \"Input "
    "Date Format\" setting. You should tell your users what format you are "
    "expecting them to use. This also applies to date values used in [pdb_list] "
    "shortcode filters. The date with your current setting looks like this: "
    "<strong>%s</strong> %s"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:931
    msgid "Your current PHP installation does not support this setting."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:939
    msgid "Input Date Format"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:944
    msgid ""
    "date formatting string for all plugin date inputs when \"Strict Date Format"
    "\" is enabled. You should use this for all localized (non-American English) "
    "date formats."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:951
    msgid "Show Timestamp Time"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:956
    msgid "Show time with timestamp dates"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:964
    msgid "Record Edit Access Level"
    msgstr "Poziom dost?pu do edycji kursantów"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:968
    msgid "sets the user access level for adding, editing and listing records."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:976
    msgid "Plugin Admin Access Level"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:980
    msgid ""
    "sets the user access level for fields management, plugin settings, deleting "
    "records and CSV operations."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:988
    msgid "Strict User Searching"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:993
    msgid ""
    "When checked, the frontend list search must match the whole field exactly. "
    "If unchecked, the search will match if the search term is found in part of "
    "the field. Searches are not case-sensitive either way."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1000
    msgid "Enable AJAX Search Functionality"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1005
    msgid ""
    "This enables list search results that are updated without reloading the "
    "page. It requires Javascript, but search will still work if Javascript is "
    "disabled in the user's browser."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1018
    msgid "Custom Plugin Stylesheet"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1023
    msgid ""
    "use this to add your own styles or override styles applied to the output of "
    "all plugin shortcodes"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1033
    msgid "Plugin Print Stylesheet"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1038
    msgid "use this to format the printed output of all plugin shortcodes"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1055
    msgid "Same Page"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1083
    msgid "None"
    msgstr "Brak"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1147
    msgid "Contributor"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1148
    msgid "Author"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1149
    msgid "Editor"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1150
    msgid "Admin"
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1216 participants-database.php:452
    #: participants-database.php:453 participants-database.php:2979
    msgid "Settings"
    msgstr "Ustawienia"
    #: classes/PDb_Settings.class.php:1306
    msgid "Only numeric values can be used for the \"%s\" setting."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/PDb_Shortcode.class.php:235
    msgctxt "message to show if the plugin cannot find the template"
    msgid ""
    "<%1$s>The template %2$s was not found.</%1$s> Please make sure the name is "
    "correct and the template file is in the correct location."
    msgstr ""
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:58
    msgid "The file %s has been uploaded."
    msgstr "Plik %s zosta? wczytany."
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:64
    msgid "%s record added"
    msgid_plural "%s records added"
    msgstr[0] ""
    msgstr[1] ""
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:68
    msgid "%s matching record updated"
    msgid_plural "%s matching records updated"
    msgstr[0] ""
    msgstr[1] ""
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:73
    msgid "%s duplicate record skipped"
    msgid_plural "%s duplicate records skipped"
    msgstr[0] ""
    msgstr[1] ""
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:77
    msgid "Zero records imported"
    msgstr "Nie zaimportowano ?adnych wpisów"
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:82
    msgid ""
    "There was an error uploading the file. This could be a problem with "
    "permissions on the uploads directory."
    msgstr ""
    "Wyst?pi? problem przy wgrywaniu pliku. To mo?e by? problem z "
    "uprawnieniami w folderze 'uploads'."
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:82 classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:88
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Destination"
    msgstr "Przeznaczenie"
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:88
    msgid ""
    "Target directory does not exist and could not be created. Try creating it "
    msgstr ""
    "Podane miejsce zapisu nie istnieje i nie mog?o zosta? utworzone. Spróbuj je utworzy? "
    #. translators: the %s will be the name of the file
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:142
    msgid "Error occured while trying to add the data to the database"
    msgstr "W trakcie wpisywania danych do bazy pojawi? si? b??d"
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:142
    msgid ""
    "Input file does not exist or path is incorrect.<br />Attempted to load: %s"
    msgstr ""
    "Plik wej?ciowy nie istnieje lub podana ?cie?ka jest b??dna. <br />Próbowano "
    "za?adowa?: %s"
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:188
    msgid ""
    "The number of items in line %s is incorrect.<br />There are %s and there "
    "should be %s."
    msgstr ""
    "Liczba elementów w linii %s jest nieprawid?owa.<br />Znaleziono %s "
    "elementów, a oczekiwano %s."
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:197
    msgid "Number of values does not match number of columns"
    msgstr "Liczba warto?ci nie jest zgodna z ilo?ci? kolumn"
    #: classes/xnau_CSV_Import.class.php:298
    msgid "New columns imported from the CSV file."
    msgstr "Nowe kolumny zosta?y zaimportowane z pliku CSV."
    #: classes/xnau_FormElement.class.php:239
    msgctxt "indicates a write-in choice"
    msgid "other"
    msgstr "inny"
    #: classes/xnau_FormElement.class.php:240
    msgctxt "indicates the text to be clicked to go to another web page"
    msgid "Link Text"
    msgstr "Tekst odno?nika"
    #: edit_participant.php:19
    msgid "Add New Participant Record"
    msgstr "Dodaj nowego kursanta"
    #: edit_participant.php:24
    msgid "Edit Existing Participant Record"
    msgstr "Edytuj istniej?cego kursanta"
    #: edit_participant.php:83
    msgctxt "abbreviation for \"identification\""
    msgid "ID"
    msgstr "ID"
    #: edit_participant.php:83
    msgctxt "indicates a new record is being entered"
    msgid "(new record)"
    msgstr "(nowy kursant)"
    #: edit_participant.php:105
    msgid "hidden"
    msgstr "ukryty"
    #: edit_participant.php:108
    msgid "read only"
    msgstr "tylko do odczytu"
    #: edit_participant.php:223
    msgid "Save the Record"
    msgstr "Zapisz kursanta"
    #: edit_participant.php:236
    msgid ""
    "<strong>Submit:</strong> save record and return to list<br><strong>Apply:</"
    "strong> save record and continue with same record<br><strong>Next:</strong> "
    "save record and then start a new one"
    msgstr ""
    "<strong>Submit:</strong> zapisz i powró? do listy<br><strong>Apply:</strong> "
    "zapisz i kontynuuj prac? z tym samym kursantem<br><strong>Next:</strong> "
    "zapisz i przejd? do nast?pnego kursanta"
    #: edit_participant.php:238
    msgid "<strong>Previous:</strong> save and move to previous record"
    msgstr "<strong>Poprzedni:</strong> zapisz i przejd? do poprzedniego wpisu"
    #. translators: these strings are used in logic matching, please test after
    #. translating in case special characters cause problems
    #: manage_fields.php:10
    msgid "Update Fields"
    msgstr "Aktualizuj pola"
    #: manage_fields.php:11
    msgid "Update Groups"
    msgstr "Aktualizuj grupy"
    #: manage_fields.php:12
    msgid "Add Field"
    msgstr "Dodaj pole"
    #: manage_fields.php:13
    msgid "Add Group"
    msgstr "Dodaj grup?"
    #: manage_fields.php:14
    msgid "new field title"
    msgstr "nazwa nowego pola"
    #: manage_fields.php:15
    msgid "new group title"
    msgstr "Nazwa nowej grupy"
    #: manage_fields.php:16
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Order"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:17
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Name"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:18
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Title"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:19
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Default"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:20
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Group"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:21
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Help Text"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:22
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Form Element"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:23
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Values"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:24
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Validation"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:25
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Display Column"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:26
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Admin Column"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:27
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Sortable"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:28
    msgctxt "column name, acronym for \"comma separated values\""
    msgid "CSV"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:29
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Persistent"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:30
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Signup"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:31
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Read Only"
    msgstr "Tylko do odczytu"
    #: manage_fields.php:32
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Admin"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:33
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Delete"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:34
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Display"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:35
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Fields"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:36
    msgctxt "column name"
    msgid "Description"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:154
    msgid "Cannot add a field with that name"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:154
    msgid "This name is reserved; please choose another. Reserved names are"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:236 participants-database.php:434
    #: participants-database.php:435
    msgid "Manage Database Fields"
    msgstr "Zarz?dzaj polami bazy danych"
    #: manage_fields.php:246 manage_fields.php:254
    msgid "Field Groups"
    msgstr "Grupy pól"
    #: manage_fields.php:255
    msgid "Help"
    msgstr "Pomoc"
    #: manage_fields.php:263
    msgid "Fields"
    msgstr "Pola"
    #: manage_fields.php:325
    msgid "No fields in this group"
    msgstr "Brak pól w tej grupie"
    #: manage_fields.php:355 manage_fields.php:712
    msgid "field"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:429
    msgid "Edit / Add / Remove Field Groups"
    msgstr "Edytuj / Dodaj / Usuń grupy pól"
    #: manage_fields.php:460
    msgid "fields"
    msgstr "pola"
    #: manage_fields.php:483 manage_fields.php:707
    msgid "group"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:718
    msgid ""
    "The %1$s was not added. There is already a %1$s with that name, please "
    "choose another."
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:782
    msgid "Not Required"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:783
    msgid "Required"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields.php:784
    msgid "Email"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields_help.php:4
    msgid "Manage Fields Help"
    msgstr "Pomoc do zarz?dzania polami"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:5
    msgid ""
    "Please visit the %sParticipants Database help pages%s for up-to-date "
    "information on using this plugin."
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields_help.php:6
    msgid "Defining Database Fields"
    msgstr "Definiowanie pól"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:7
    msgid ""
    "The database stores information about people. On this page, you can "
    "determine what pieces of information are stored and how they are presented "
    "and interacted with. Take a look at the \"Add Participant\" page to see how "
    "the form is presented. You will be able to see your changes to how the "
    "fields are set up by checking this page."
    msgstr ""
    "Baza danych przechowuje informacje o kursantach. Na tej stronie mo?esz "
    "okre?li? jakie informacje b?d? przechowywane i w jaki sposób b?d? one "
    "prezentowane. Spójrz na stron? \"Dodaj kursanta\" aby zobaczy? jak wygl?da "
    "formularz. Mo?esz sprawdzi? na tej stronie skutki wprowadzanych przez siebie "
    "zmian w ustawieniach pól."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:8
    msgid ""
    "<strong>Important:</strong> Some of the changes you can make here will "
    "affect existing records in the database. It is best to set up your database "
    "before you begin adding records, but it is possible to add fields to the "
    "database at any time. Any records that were entered before the new field was "
    "added will have no value for the field. This can be filled in by then "
    "editing the record."
    msgstr ""
    "<strong>Wa?ne:</strong> Niektóre zmiany mog? wp?yn?? na zawarto?? ju? "
    "przechowywanych kursantów. Najlepiej jest ustawi? wszystko zanim "
    "rozpoczniesz wprowadzanie kursantów ale istnieje mo?liwo?? zmiany pól "
    "bazy danych w dowolnym momencie. Wszystcy kursanci wprowadzeni przed "
    "zdefiniowaniem nowego pola b?d? mieli to pole puste. Oczywi?cie mo?esz je "
    "uzupe?ni? edytuj?c poszczególnych kursantów."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:9
    msgid "Delete"
    msgstr "Usuń"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:10
    msgid ""
    "Click on the red \"X\" to delete a field. If there are existing records with "
    "this data field, that information will not be deleted from the database, but "
    "you will no longer be able to display or edit it."
    msgstr ""
    "Kliknij na czerwony \"X\" aby skasowa? pole. Je?li w bazie danych s? jacy? "
    "kursanci z danymi w tym polu, to te dane nie zostan? wykasowane z bazy "
    "danych ale nie b?dziesz mia? ju? do nich dost?pu."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:11
    msgid "Order"
    msgstr "Kolejno??"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:12
    msgid ""
    "Click and drag to reorder the fields. You do not need to click on \"Update\" "
    "for the change to take effect."
    msgstr ""
    "Przeci?gnij pola aby zmieni? ich kolejno??. Nie musisz klika? na przycisk "
    "\"Aktualizuj\" aby zmiana by?a skuteczna."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:13
    msgid "Title"
    msgstr "Tytu?"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:14
    msgid ""
    "This is the display title for your field. You can change it at any time, it "
    "won't affect the field in any way other than to change how it is labeled "
    "in forms.<p>"
    msgstr ""
    "To jest nazwa pola w takiej postaci, w jakiej jest wy?wietlana ona w "
    "formularzach. Mo?esz j? dowolnie zmienia?, nie wp?ynie to na zawarto?? bazy "
    "danych a jedynie na etykiet? pola w formularzu.</p>"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:15
    msgid "Default"
    msgstr "Domy?lny"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:16
    msgid "If you wish to pre-load a field with a value, you can put it here."
    msgstr "Je?li chcesz mie? wst?pnie zdefiniowan? zawarto?? pola wpisz j? tutaj."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:17
    msgid "Group"
    msgstr "Grupa"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:18
    msgid ""
    "The database fields are organized into groups, and you can select which "
    "group the database field belongs to here. You can edit the groups under the "
    "\"Field Groups\" tab."
    msgstr ""
    "Pola bazy danych ??czone s? w grupy, mo?esz wybiera? do której z grup nale?y "
    "ka?de pole. Grupy edytujesz w zak?adce \"Grupy pól\"."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:19
    msgid "Help Text"
    msgstr "Tekst pomocy"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:20
    msgid ""
    "When a form is displayed, sometimes it is a good idea to explain something "
    "about the information you want in a field. Any text you put in here will be "
    "displayed next to the field. HTML is allowed, but be careful with that, you "
    "can break things!"
    msgstr ""
    "Czasami dobrym pomys?em jest dok?adniejsze wyja?nienie jakich informacji "
    "oczekujesz w konkretnym polu formularza. Tekst jaki tu wpiszesz pojawi si? "
    "obok pola. Mo?esz u?ywa? HTMLa ale b?d? ostro?ny, nie zepsuj ca?ej strony."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:21
    msgid "Form Element"
    msgstr "Element formularza"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:22
    #, fuzzy
    msgid ""
    "If your piece of information is a simple line of text (like a name), it "
    "should be presented in the form as a text field. If a longer piece of text "
    "is called for, a text-field would be a better choice, and so forth. This is "
    "where you can determine what kind of form element this particular piece of "
    "information will be preseted with."
    msgstr ""
    "Je?li informacja w danycm polu to s?owo lub proste wyra?enie, powinno si? "
    "wybra? pole tekstowe. Je?li to d?u?szy tekst lepszym wyborem mo?e by? obszar "
    "tekstowy itd. W tym miejscu ustalasz, w jakiej formie b?dzie prezentowany "
    "konkretny fragment informacji."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:23
    msgid ""
    "Under the multiple-choice dropdown are the form elements you can choose "
    "from. It is really best to avoid changing this once you have begun adding "
    "records to the database using this field&hellip;unpredictable things can "
    "happen, and although you won't lose any data, it can make a mess! That "
    "said, it <em>is</em> possible to change between similar elements, like text/"
    "text-field or select/dropdown or select-other/dropdown-other. Be warned, "
    "it's safest to set this up before you start getting data for the field."
    msgstr ""
    "Lista wielokrotnego wyboru pozwala na wybieranie kilku spo?ród listy "
    "predefiniowanych warto?ci. Unikaj zmiany tego elementu kiedy ju? masz "
    "wprowadzone informacje do bazy, poniewa? mog? zdarzy? si? nieprzewidywalne "
    "rzeczy. Stracisz dane lub wprowadzisz do nich ba?agan. Powiedzmy, ?e mo?liwe "
    "s? zmiany pomiedzy podobnymi elementami, jak pole tekstowe/obszar tekstu lub "
    "lista/selekcja. Ostrzegamy: najbezpieczniej jest zdefiniowa? takie rzeczy "
    "poprawnie jeszcze przed rozpocz?ciem wprowadzania danych."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:24
    msgid "Values"
    msgstr "Warto?ci"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:25
    msgid ""
    "For form elements that have multiple choices, you need to define those "
    "choices here. Type in a comma-separated list of the options you want to "
    msgstr ""
    "Dla elementów wielokrotnego wyboru musisz zdefiniowa? list? warto?ci, które "
    "mo?na wybra?. Wprowad? list? warto?ci rozdzielonych przecinkami."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:26
    #, fuzzy
    msgid ""
    "Don't try to have a comma in one of your options, though! It's "
    "posiible to break things by trying to include other (mostly non-text and "
    "punctuation) characters, so test things, and if you get erratic behavior in "
    "the form, you may have characters here that are messing things up. Most "
    "international language characters should be fine, just type them in. Don'"
    "t try to use HTML entities or codes, it just won't work."
    msgstr ""
    "Nie próbuj wstawia? warto?ci, które same zawieraj? przecinki! Istnieje "
    "mo?liwo??, ?e warto?ci zostan? rozdzielone wskutek wstawienia innych znaków "
    "ni? przecinki, wi?c je?li osi?gn??e? b??dny wynik, to mo?e on by? "
    "spowodowany u?yciem takiego znaku. Wi?kszo?? literowych znaków "
    "mi?dzynarodowych powinna dzia?a? poprawnie, po prostu wpisz je i zobacz. Nie "
    "próbuj u?ywac kodów HTML lub HTMLowych nazw symbolicznych, tutaj to nie "
    #: manage_fields_help.php:27
    msgid "Validation"
    msgstr "Weryfikacja"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:28
    msgid ""
    "If you wish certain fields to be required or have a specific kind of "
    "content, you can set that here. \"Not Required\" means you don't care if "
    "the field is filled in or not. \"Required\" simply means the field must have "
    "something in it. \"match/regex\" gives you some advanced options for "
    "validating a field. To match the field to the value of another field, put "
    "the name of that field in the box. You can also use a regex to validate the "
    "field, but it is for advanced users, so if you don't know what a regex "
    "is, get some help before trying to use this feature."
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields_help.php:29
    msgid "Admin Column"
    msgstr "Kolumna administratora"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:30
    msgid ""
    "This only affects the \"List Participants\" page of the plugin. On that "
    "page, the database records are listed. Since it would be impractical to "
    "include every field as a column in this list, you can select which fields "
    "are shown here. \"0\" means don't display it, a number sets the order in "
    "which the column will appear. You have to make sure the numbers make sense, "
    "if you have multiple items with the same number (other than 0), only the "
    "last one with the number will appear."
    msgstr ""
    "To zmienia jedynie stron? zawieraj?c? list? kursantów. Poniewa? by?oby "
    "bardzo niepraktyczne wypisywa? na takiej stronie wszystkie informacje na "
    "temat ka?dego kursanta, mo?esz okre?li? które pola maj? by? na tej li?cie "
    "widoczne. \"0\" oznacza aby informacji nie wy?wietla?, natomiast wy?szy "
    "numer opisuje, w której kolumnie wypisa? zawarto?? pola. Do ciebie nale?y "
    "zapewnienie, aby numery kolumn mia?y sens, je?li wstawisz kilka pól do tej "
    "samej kolumny, to wy?wietlone zostanie tylko ostatnie z nich."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:31
    msgid "Display Column"
    msgstr "Kolumna widoczna"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:32
    msgid ""
    "When using the [pdb_list] shortcode to display the list of records, this "
    "column determines whether the column will be shown and in what order."
    msgstr ""
    "To s?u?y do okre?lenia czy dana kolumna zostanie wy?wietlona i w jakiej "
    "kolejno?ci, gdy u?yjesz skrótu [pdb_list] do wy?wietlenia listy kursantów."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:33
    msgid "Switches"
    msgstr "Prze??czniki"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:34
    msgid ""
    "<strong>Sortable</strong> means the list presented on the \"List Participants"
    "\" page can be sorted by this field. Of course, it must have a non-zero "
    "value in \"Column\" to be seen at all."
    msgstr ""
    "<strong>Sortowalne</strong> oznacza, ?e lista wy?wietlona po wybraniu opcji "
    "\"Lista kursantów\" mo?e by? sortowana wg tego pola. Oczywi?cie numer "
    "kolumny musi by? niezerowy, aby pole w ogóle by?o widoczne na li?cie."
    #: manage_fields_help.php:35
    msgid ""
    "<strong>CSV</strong> means the field is one that can be imported or exported "
    "with a CSV file. If you are using CSV files to bring in records, you should "
    "set these switches based on which fields you are planning to import. When "
    "exporting a CSV, this switch determines whether the field will be exported."
    msgstr ""
    "<strong>CSV</strong> oznacza, ?e pole b?dzie importowane b?d? esportowane w "
    "plikach CSV. Je?li u?ywasz plików CSV do importowania kursantów, "
    "powiniene? ustawi? te prze??czniki na podstawie tego, które pola zamierzasz "
    "importowa?. Kiedy eksportujesz kursantów ten prze??cznik okre?la,czy pole "
    "b?dzie eksportowane.<p>"
    #: manage_fields_help.php:36
    msgid ""
    "<strong>Persistent</strong> is a convenience feature helpful when you are "
    "manually entering a series of records in the admin. If set, it means the "
    "field will carry over to the next blank entry. For instance, if a group of "
    "records from the same city are being entered, set the \"city\" field to be "
    "persistent, then once a city value has been entered in the first record of "
    "the series, the next blank record will have this city pre-filled."
    msgstr ""
    "<strong>Trwa?o??</strong> to wygodna cecha przydatna wtedy gdy wprowadzasz "
    "kursantów w panelu administratora. Je?li j? zaznaczysz spowoduje to, ?e "
    "wpisana warto?? przeniesie si? do nowego formularza. Np. je?li ca?a grupa "
    "wprowadzanych kursantów dotyczy tego samego miasta ustaw pole \"miasto\" "
    "jako trwa?e a nazw? miasta b?dziesz musia? wpisa? tylko raz, kolejne "
    "formularze dla nowych kursantów b?d? mia?y ju? to pole wst?pnie "
    #: manage_fields_help.php:37
    msgid ""
    "Persistent fields will also use their set default value in record edit forms "
    "where no value has been set in the record being edited"
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields_help.php:38
    msgid ""
    "<strong>Signup</strong> selects this field for use in the brief signup form "
    "that is presented with the [pdb_signup] shortcode."
    msgstr ""
    #: manage_fields_help.php:39
    msgid ""
    "<strong>Readonly</strong> means that plugin users can see the value of the "
    "field, but cannot edit it. The field will be editable in the admin."
    msgstr ""
    #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
    #: participants-database.php:338
    msgid "Participants Database"
    msgstr "Baza kursantów"
    #: participants-database.php:425 participants-database.php:426
    msgid "Add Participant"
    msgstr "Dodaj kursanta"
    #: participants-database.php:443 participants-database.php:444
    #: upload_csv.php:8
    msgid "Import CSV File"
    msgstr "Importuj plik CSV"
    #: participants-database.php:461 participants-database.php:462
    msgid "Setup Guide"
    msgstr ""
    #: participants-database.php:470 participants-database.php:471
    msgid "Edit Record"
    msgstr "Edytuj kursanta"
    #. translators: don't translate the words in brackets {}
    #: participants-database.php:520
    msgid "You must remove all fields from the {name} group before deleting it."
    msgstr ""
    #: participants-database.php:521
    msgid "Delete the \"{name}\" {thing}?"
    msgstr "Usun?? \"{name}\" {thing}?"
    #: participants-database.php:2383
    msgid ""
    "There is something wrong with the file you tried to upload. Try another."
    msgstr ""
    "Niestety jest jaka? nieprawid?owo?? w przys?anym pliku. Spróbuj przys?a? "
    #: participants-database.php:2399 participants-database.php:2427
    msgid "For \"%s\", you may only upload image files like JPEGs, GIFs or PNGs."
    msgstr "Dla \"%s\", mo?esz tylko wgra? pliki graficzne typu JPEG, GIF or PNG."
    #: participants-database.php:2401
    msgid "The file selected for \"%s\" must be one of these types: %s. "
    msgstr "Plik wybrany dla \"%s\" musi mie? jedno z tych rozszerzeń: %s. "
    #: participants-database.php:2433
    msgid ""
    "The file you tried to upload is too large. The file must be smaller than %sK."
    msgstr ""
    "Plik, który próbowa?e? wgra? jest za du?y. Plik musi by? mniejszy ni? %sK."
    #: participants-database.php:2440
    msgid "The file could not be saved."
    msgstr "Nie uda?o si? zapisa? pliku."
    #: participants-database.php:2468
    msgid "The uploads directory (%s) could not be created."
    msgstr "Nie mo?na utworzy? kartoteki na przysy?ane pliki (%s)."
    #: participants-database.php:2727
    msgid ""
    "The date for \"%s\" was invalid. Please input the date with the exact format "
    msgstr ""
    "Data \"%s\" jest nieprawid?owa. Wprowad? dat? dok?adnie w prezentowanej "
    #: participants-database.php:2817 templates/pdb-retrieve-default.php:45
    msgid "Submit"
    msgstr "Zapisz i wró? do listy"
    #: participants-database.php:2818
    msgid "Apply"
    msgstr "Zapisz"
    #: participants-database.php:2821
    msgid "The record has been updated."
    msgstr "Wpis zosta? zmieniony"
    #: participants-database.php:2822
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "The new record has been added."
    msgstr "Plik %s zosta? wczytany."
    #: participants-database.php:2940
    msgid "WordPress Plugin"
    msgstr "Wtyczka WordPressa"
    #: participants-database.php:2941
    msgid ""
    "Helping organizations manage their volunteers, members and participants."
    msgstr ""
    "Pomaga organizacjom zarz?dza? woluntariuszami, cz?onkami, uczestnikami i "
    #: participants-database.php:2944
    msgid "Developed by"
    msgstr "napisana przez"
    #: participants-database.php:2945
    msgid ""
    "Suggestions or crticisms of this plugin? I'd love to hear them: email "
    msgstr "Sugestie albo uwagi dotycz?ce wtyczki? Ch?tnie pos?ucham: email "
    #: participants-database.php:2948
    msgid ""
    "Please consider contributing to the continued support and development of "
    "this software by visiting %1$sthis plugin's page,%3$s giving the plugin "
    "a %2$srating%3$s or review, or dropping something in the %1$stip jar.%3$s "
    msgstr ""
    "Prosz?, rozwa? dotacj? na wsparcie i rozwój tego oprogramowania poprzez "
    "odwiedzenie %1$sstrony tej wtyczki%3$s, podniesienie %2$spozycji w rankingu "
    "wtyczki%3$s, recenzj?, albo pozostawienie czego? w moim %1$stip jar.%3$s "
    #: templates/pdb-retrieve-default.php:10
    msgid "Request your Private Link"
    msgstr ""
    #: templates/pdb-retrieve-default.php:17
    msgid "Success: your private link has been emailed to you."
    msgstr ""
    #: templates/pdb-retrieve-default.php:37
    msgid "Type in your %s, your private link will be emailed to you."
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:28
    msgid "Prepare a spreadsheet file with the correct format:"
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:30
    msgid ""
    "To properly import your membership data, the columns in your spreadsheet "
    "must match exactly the columns in the database. Currently, the CSV import "
    "columns are as follows:"
    msgstr ""
    "Aby poprawnie zaimportowa? kursantów, poszczególne kolumny w twoim arkuszu "
    "musz? dok?adnie pasowa? do kolumn w bazie danych. Kolumny importowanego "
    "pliku CSV powinny by? nast?puj?ce:"
    #: upload_csv.php:45
    msgid ""
    "This means your spreadsheet needs to have %s columns, and the heading in "
    "each of those columns needs to match exactly the names above. If there is no "
    "data for a particular column, you can include it and leave it blank, or "
    "leave it out entirely. The order of the columns doesn't matter."
    msgstr ""
    "Oznacza to, ?e twój arkusz musi mie? %s kolumn, a nag?ówek ka?dej kolumny "
    "musi dok?adnie pasowa? do powy?szych nazw. Je?li nie ma ?adnych danych dla "
    "której? z kolumn, to mo?esz j? pozostawi? pust? albo ca?kowicie pomin??. "
    "Kolejno?? kolumn nie ma znaczenia."
    #: upload_csv.php:46
    msgid ""
    "If the imported CSV file has a different column set, that column set will be "
    "imported and used. If a column name does not match a defined column in the "
    "database, the data from that column will be discarded"
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:47
    msgid "Get Blank CSV File"
    msgstr "Pobierz pusty plik CSV"
    #: upload_csv.php:47
    msgid ""
    "You can download this file, then open it in Open Office, Excel or Google "
    msgstr ""
    "Mo?esz ?ci?gn?? ten plik a potem otworzy? go korzystaj?c z Open Office, "
    "Excella lub Google Docs."
    #: upload_csv.php:52
    msgid "Export the .csv file"
    msgstr "Wyeksportuj plik .csv"
    #: upload_csv.php:54
    msgid ""
    "When you have your spreadsheet properly set up and filled with data, export "
    "it as any of the following: \"comma-delimited csv\", or just \"csv\". Save "
    "it to your computer then upload it here."
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:55
    msgid ""
    "Exported CSV files should be comma-delimited and enclosed with double-quotes "
    "(\"). Encoding should be \"UTF-8.\""
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:59
    msgid "Upload the .csv file"
    msgstr "Wgraj plik .csv"
    #: upload_csv.php:62
    msgid ""
    "<strong>Note:</strong> Depending on the \"Duplicate Record Preference\" "
    "setting, imported records are checked against existing records by the field "
    "set in the \"Duplicate Record Check Field\" setting. If a record matching an "
    "existing record is imported, one of three things can happen, based on the "
    "\"Duplicate Record Preference\" setting:"
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:63
    msgid "Current Setting"
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:67
    msgid ""
    "%sOverwrite%s an existing record with a matching %s will be updated with the "
    "data from the imported record. Blank or missing fields will not overwrite "
    "existing data."
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:70
    msgid ""
    "%sCreate New%s adds all imported records as new records without checking for "
    "a match."
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:73
    msgid ""
    "%sDon't Import%s does not import the new record if it matches the %s of "
    "an existing one."
    msgstr ""
    #: upload_csv.php:83
    msgid "Choose .csv file to import:"
    msgstr "Wybierz plik .csv do importu:"
    #: upload_csv.php:84
    msgid "Upload File"
    msgstr "Wy?lij plik"
    #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
    msgid "https://xnau.com/wordpress-plugins/participants-database"
    msgstr "https://xnau.com/wordpress-plugins/participants-database"
    #. Description of the plugin/theme
    msgid "Plugin for managing a database of participants, members or volunteers"
    msgstr ""
    "Wtyczka do zarz?dzania baz? uczestników, cz?onków woluntariuszy lub "
    #. Author of the plugin/theme
    msgid "Roland Barker"
    msgstr "Roland Barker"
    #. Author URI of the plugin/theme
    msgid "https://xnau.com"
    msgstr "https://xnau.com"
    #~ msgctxt "noun; page number indicator"
    #~ msgid "Page"
    #~ msgstr "Strona"
    #~ msgid "List Participants: %s record found, sorted by:"
    #~ msgstr "Lista kursantów: %s wierszy, kolejno?? wg"
    #~ msgid "Edit"
    #~ msgstr "Edycja"
    #~ msgid "✔ all"
    #~ msgstr "✔ wszystkie"
    #~ msgid "Don't Allow Duplicate Email Addresses"
    #~ msgstr "Unikatowe adresy email"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "if someone registers with an email address that already exists, update "
    #~ "the existing record, don't create a new one."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "je?li kto? rejestruje adres email, który ju? istnieje, wtedy zaktualizuj "
    #~ "istniej?cego kursanta zamiast dodawania nowego."
    #~ msgid "Show the Private ID in List"
    #~ msgstr "Pokazuj prywatny ID na li?cie"
    #~ msgid "whether to show the private ID in the participant list in the admin"
    #~ msgstr "czy pokazywa? prywatny ID na li?cie administracyjnej"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "the CSS style applied to an input or text field that is missing or has "
    #~ "not passed validation"
    #~ msgstr "Styl CSS stosowany do brakuj?cych i nieprawid?owych pól"
    #~ msgid "border: 1px solid red"
    #~ msgstr "border: 1px solid red"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "this defines where the uploaded files will go, relative to the WordPress "
    #~ "root.<br />Don't put it in the plugin folder, the images and files could "
    #~ "get deleted when the plugin is updated."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "okre?la ?cie?k? zapisu ?adowanych plików, relatywnie do kartoteki g?ównej "
    #~ "WordPressa.<br>Nie ?aduj plików do folderu wtyczki, poniewa? zostan? "
    #~ "skasowane podczas aktualizacji wtyczki."
    #~ msgid "Image Upload Limit"
    #~ msgstr "Limit rozmiarów obrazków"
    #~ msgid "the maximum allowed file size for an uploaded image"
    #~ msgstr "maksymalny rozmiar pliku ?adowanego obrazka"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "sets the user access level for adding, editing and listing records. "
    #~ "(fields management and plugin settings always require admin level access)"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "ustawia poziom dost?pu wymaganego do dodawania, poprawiania i listowania "
    #~ "zawarto?ci bazy danych. (zarz?dzanie polami i ustawienia wtyczki zawsze "
    #~ "wymagaj? praw administratora)"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "if a \"text-line\" field looks like a link (begins with \"http\") make it "
    #~ "clickable"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "je?li pole typu \"text-line\" wygl?da jak odno?nik (zaczyna si? od \"http"
    #~ "\") to uczyń je klikalnym odno?nikiem"
    #~ msgid "this is the page where the [pdb_single] shortcode is located."
    #~ msgstr "strona, na której znajduje si? skrót [pdb_single]"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "select the field on which to put a link to the single record. Leave blank "
    #~ "or set to \"none\" for no link."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "wybierz pole, które ma by? odno?nikiem do strony kursanta. Pozostaw "
    #~ "puste lub wpisz \"none\" je?li nie chcesz odno?nika."
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "html added to field title for required fields if selected above (the %s "
    #~ "is replaced by the name of the field)"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "html dodany do nazwy pola obowi?zkowego je?li zaznaczono opcj? powy?ej "
    #~ "(%s jest zast?powane przez nazw? pola)"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "enable the rich text editor on textarea fields (works only for logged-in "
    #~ "WP users)"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "w??cz edytor wizualny w polach typu obszar tekstowy (tylko dla "
    #~ "zalogowanych u?ytkowników)"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "after they singup, send them to this page for a thank you message. This "
    #~ "page is where you put the [pdb_signup_thanks] shortcode, but you don'"
    #~ "t have to do that if you have them go back to the same page."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "po rejestracji skieruj osob? rejestruj?c? si? na t? stron? w ramach "
    #~ "potwierdzenia. Jest to ta strona, na której wstawi?e? skrót "
    #~ "[pdb_signup_thanks]. Nie musisz tego robi? je?li wiesz, ?e osoby "
    #~ "rejestruj?ce si? same wróc? na t? stron?."
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "the \"From\" address on signup receipt emails. If the recipient hits "
    #~ "\"reply\", their reply will go to this address"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "adres \"From\" w potwierdzeniach rejestracji. Je?li odbiorca kliknie "
    #~ "\"odpowiedz\", to odpowied? zostanie wys?ana na ten adres"
    #~ msgid "subject line for the signup response email"
    #~ msgstr "temat odpowiedzi na rejestracj?"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "Body of the email a visitor gets when they sign up. It includes a link "
    #~ "([record_link]) back to their record so they can fill it out. Can include "
    #~ "HTML, placeholders:[first_name],[last_name],[email],[record_link]."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "Tre?? wiadomo?ci, któr? otrzyma osoba, która si? zarejestrowa?a. "
    #~ "Odpowied? powinna zawiera? odno?nik ([record_link]) do kursanta aby "
    #~ "osoba rejestruj?ca mog?a go uzupe?ni?. Mo?e zawiera? zawera? tak?e HTML "
    #~ "oraz pola: [imie],[nazwisko],[email],[record_link]. "
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "<p>Thank you, [first_name] for signing up with %s.</p><p>You may complete "
    #~ "your registration with additional information or update your information "
    #~ "by visiting this link at any time: <a href="
    #~ "\"[record_link]\">[record_link]</a>.</p>"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "<p>Dzi?kujemy [first_name] za rejestracj? w %s</p><p>Mo?esz uzupe?ni? lub "
    #~ "poprawi? swoje dane w dowolnym momencie na stronie <a href="
    #~ "\"[record_link]\">[record_link]</a>.</p>"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "Note to display on the web page after someone has submitted a signup "
    #~ "form. Can include HTML, placeholders:[first_name],[last_name],[email], "
    #~ "etc. They must be fields that are present in the signup form."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "Informacje wy?wietlane na stronie po dokonaniu rejestracji. Mog? zawiera? "
    #~ "HTML i pola: [imie],[nazwisko],[email], itp. Musz? to by? pola, które "
    #~ "wyst?pi?y w formularzu rejestracji."
    #~ msgid "subject of the notification email"
    #~ msgstr "Temat powiadomienia o nowej rejestracji"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "<p>A new signup has been submitted</p><ul><li>Name: [first_name] "
    #~ "[last_name]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul>"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "<p>Pojawi?a si? nowa rejestracja</p><ul><li>Nazwa: [first_name] "
    #~ "[last_name]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul>"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "the page where your participant record ([pdb_record] shortcode) is "
    #~ "displayed"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "strona, na ktorej znajduj? si? szczegó?y kursanta (skrót [pdb_record])"
    #~ msgid "Your information has been updated:"
    #~ msgstr "Twoje dane zosta?y zaktualizowane"
    #~ msgid "Send an email notification that a record has been updated."
    #~ msgstr "Wy?lij informacj? o tym, ?e kursant zosta? zaktualizowany"
    #~ msgid "subject line for the record update notification email"
    #~ msgstr "temat informacji o aktualizacji kursanta"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "Body of the the email sent when a user updates their record. Any field "
    #~ "from the form can be included by using a replacement code of the form: "
    #~ "[field_name]. For instance: [last_name],[address],[email] etc. (The field "
    #~ "name is under the \"name\" column on the \"Manage Database Fields\" "
    #~ "page.)  Also available is [date] which will show the date and time of the "
    #~ "update"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "Tre?? emaila z informacj? o aktualizacji kursanta. Dowolne pola "
    #~ "kursanta mog? znale?? si? tre?ci poprzez u?ycie kodów [nazwa_pola], "
    #~ "np.: [imie], [nazwisko], [email] itp. (nazwy pól znajduj? si? w kolumnie "
    #~ "\"nazwa\" na stronie zarz?dzania polami bazy danych). Dodatkowo dost?pny "
    #~ "jest kod [date], który zawiera dat? i czas aktualizacji kursanta."
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "<p>The following record was updated on [date]:</p><ul><li>Name: "
    #~ "[first_name] [last_name]</li><li>Address: [address]</li><li>[city], "
    #~ "[state], [country]</li><li>Phone: [phone]</li><li>Email: [email]</li></ul>"
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "<p>Dnia [date] zosta? zaktualizowany nast?puj?cy kursant:</"
    #~ "p><ul><li>Nazwa: [first_name] [last_name]</li><li>Adres: [address]</"
    #~ "li><li>[city], [state], [country]</li><li>Tel: [phone]</li><li>Email: "
    #~ "[email]</li></ul>"
    #~ msgid "The %1$s was not added. Your new %1$s must have a unique name."
    #~ msgstr "%1$s nie zosta?a dodana. Twója nowa %1$s musi mie? unikatow? nazw?."
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "If you wish to require certain fields, you can set that here. \"No\" "
    #~ "means you don't care if the field is filled in or not. \"Yes\" simply "
    #~ "means the field must have something in it. \"Regex\" is a way to look for "
    #~ "a specific kind of content for the field, but it is for advanced users, "
    #~ "so if you don't know what a regex is, get some help before trying to "
    #~ "use this feature."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "Je?li chcesz aby pewne informacje by?y obligatoryjne mo?esz to tutaj "
    #~ "ustawi?. \"Nie\" oznacza, ?e nie ma znaczenia, czy pole zosta?o "
    #~ "wype?nione, czy pozostawiono je puste. \"Tak\" oznacza, ?e co? w polu "
    #~ "musi by?. \"Regex\" jest metod? ograniczenia zawarto?ci w taki sposób, "
    #~ "aby spe?nia?a okre?lone kryteria. Wykorzystanie tego wymaga znajomo?ci "
    #~ "wyra?eń regularnych, wi?c je?li nie wiesz co to jest, to nie u?ywaj lub "
    #~ "uzyskaj pomoc od kogo?, kto? si? na tym zna."
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "<strong>Signup</strong> selects this field for use in the brief signup "
    #~ "form that is presented with the [PDb_signup] shortcode."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "<strong>Rejestracja</strong> powoduje, ?e pole to znajdzie si? na "
    #~ "skróconym formularzu rejestracyjnym wy?wietlonym na stronie zawieraj?cej "
    #~ "skrót [Pdb_signup]."
    #~ msgid "There is no record for this ID."
    #~ msgstr "Nie ma kursanta z takim identyfikatorem."
    #~ msgctxt "message to show if the plugin cannot find the template"
    #~ msgid "Missing Template"
    #~ msgstr "Brak szablonu."
    #~ msgid "You may only upload image files like JPEGs, GIFs or PNGs."
    #~ msgstr "Mo?esz przysy?a? jedynie pliki obrazków JPEG, GIF lub PNG."
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "The image you tried to upload is too large. The file must be smaller than "
    #~ "%sK."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "Obrazek, który przys?a?e? jest za du?y. Plik musi by? mniejszy ni? %sK."
    #~ msgid "record imported"
    #~ msgstr "zaimportowanych kursantów."
    #~ msgid "Zero records imported."
    #~ msgstr "Nie zaimportowano ?adnych kursantów."
    #~ msgid "There was an error uploading the file."
    #~ msgstr "W trakcie przesy?ania pliku pojawi? si? b??d"
    #~ msgid "1. Prepare a spreadsheet file with the correct format:"
    #~ msgstr "1. Przygotuj plik arkusza w poprawnym formacie:"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "<strong>Note:</strong> Imported records are checked against existing "
    #~ "records by email. (Only if \"Don't Allow Duplicate Email Addresses\" "
    #~ "is checked in the settings) If a record with an email matching an "
    #~ "existing record is imported, the existing record will be updated with the "
    #~ "data from the imported record. Blank or missing fields in such an "
    #~ "imported record will not overwrite existing data."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "<strong>Uwaga:</strong> Importowani kursanci s? sprawdzani z "
    #~ "istniej?cymi pod k?tem unikatowo?ci pola email (tylko wtedy, gdy "
    #~ "zaznaczy?e? opcj? \"blokuj duplikaty adresów email\" w ustawieniach bazy "
    #~ "danych). Je?li zostanie zaimportowany kursant z takim samym emailem, "
    #~ "jak jeden z kursantow w bazie danych, to zostanie zaktualizowana "
    #~ "zawarto?? istniej?cego kursanta. Puste lub brakuj?ce pola w "
    #~ "importowanym pliku nie spowoduj? skasowania danych w odpowiadaj?cych im "
    #~ "polach w bazie danych."
    #~ msgid "2. Upload the .csv file"
    #~ msgstr "2. Wy?lij plik .csv"
    #~ msgid ""
    #~ "When you have your spreadsheet properly set up and filled with data, "
    #~ "export it as any of the following: \"comma-delimited csv\", \"tab-"
    #~ "delimited csv\", or just \"csv\". Save it to your computer then upload it "
    #~ "here."
    #~ msgstr ""
    #~ "Kiedy ju? masz poprawnie skonfigurowany arkusz z danymi, wyeksportuj go "
    #~ "do jednego z nast?puj?cych formatów:  \"comma-delimited csv\", \"tab-"
    #~ "delimited csv\", albo \"csv\". Zapisz go na komputerze a nast?pnie wy?lij "
    #~ "tutaj."
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