• Resolved adriandambrine



    I need you to help me one last time :p
    I want to place an email opt-in before the first question.
    Is there a way to do that in the options ?

    Thank you very much.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Hi Adrian. Last time, you asked how to add content after a quiz, and I provided code using HD Quiz’s hdq_after action. This time, the functionality is almost the exact same except we will use the hdq_before action to add content before the quiz instead.

    function hdq_adriandambrine_before_quiz()
    <p>Any HTML, JS, or any other content you want goes here. It will appear before all quizzes</p>
    add_action("hdq_before", "hdq_adriandambrine_before_quiz");

    Using the above, you can add custom content before all quizzes, such as a mailchimp subscribe form, or your own custom implementation.

    Thread Starter adriandambrine


    Thank you !

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