The#navigation element comes after the #header, so you’d need to override some functions in your child theme:
// Reopen Header DIVs
function child_reopen_header() {
remove_action('skeleton_header','skeleton_header_close', 5);
// Apply new markup to #navigation
function skeleton_main_menu() {
echo '<div id="navigation">';
wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'menu-header', 'theme_location' => 'primary'));
echo '</div><!--/#navigation-->';
// close header DIVs
echo "</div>"."\n";
echo "</div>"."\n";
echo "<!--/#header-->"."\n";
add_action('skeleton_navbar','skeleton_main_menu', 1);
And add some CSS to your style.css:
#navigation {
float: right;
top: -40px;
To swap the sidebars, set your default width to right and override the posts/archive views via body class:
body.archive.sidebar-right #sidebar,
body.single-post.sidebar-right #sidebar {
float: left !important;
body.archive.sidebar-right #content,
body.single-post.sidebar-right #content {
float: right !important;