• Firstly, thanks for the plugin.

    I’ve been trying to figure out how to add placeholder values to the login boxes, so I can remove the labels and save myself a bit of room. After digging for several hours, I found the following section of the sidebar-login.js file:

    var data = {
    			action: 		'sidebar_login_process',
    			security: 		sidebar_login_params.login_nonce,
    			user_login: 	jQuery('input[name="log"]', thisform).val(),
    			user_password: 	jQuery('input[name="pwd"]', thisform).val(),
    			remember: 		remember,
    			redirect_to:	jQuery('input[name="redirect_to"]', thisform).val()

    I’d like to add a placeholder=”Username” and placeholder=”Password” to the html, but my grasp of JS is tenuous at best.

    If you (or anyone else) can point me in the right direction I’d appreciate it.




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  • Try to add this to your sidebar-login.js file:

          if(!$(this).val()) {
         $(this).attr("placeholder", "Username");
          if(!$(this).val()) {
         $(this).attr("placeholder", "Password");

    I’ve tried this but it didn’t work at all… Does it have any tricks?
    Thanks a lot!



    I just put the above code in my normal script file and it works .thanks Adam



    Hi Cawo88, in what normal script file did you put this and where? Thnx in advance!

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