I believe there may be a bug with the fix here or elsewhere.
It lies in the placeholder text for drop down selectors.
The issue with them is that if anything fails validation at all, once the pages reloaded with error fields highlighted, all other normal fields have the placeholder text restored if nothing was entered, but in a drop down list, since the selection has already been made and the top most “li” element has been removed, the drop down box defaults to using the top most possible selection, but as is mentioned in the description of this plugin. one cannot use that top most selection because it is supposed to be the appended, label field as a placeholder, so if you try selecting the top most selection in the drop down box, it will continue to fail validation saying you must select something. ..you can select any other field under the top one and it will pass validation though.
The code should check if a selection has already been made here, and if not, it should restore the label again as a placeholder in the topmost spot and function as if the page wee freshly loaded. If a selection has been made, it should not place the placeholder in again, and remove the blocking of the top most selection .. in case thats the one they’ve selected.
thanks for any help. ??