• Hi,

    I have installed and activated and did all config settings. All these things were done in Dashboard.
    I also ran to auto-generate all Pages (Pages TAB).

    But when I test my website registering a new user, I see only the membership levels (I created in Dashboard). They are in display mode.

    Even after new user confirms his new account via e-mail and ready to post Ads, there is only a membership level displayed in user account.

    There are no any buttons to join/become a member. That is an issue. The plugin doesn’t work from user point of view.

    My wordpress theme is ClassifiedEngine 2.6.2

    Thank you.


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  • you really need to set up your menus as well
    the pages are there, but there are no links for anyone to click to get there


    and have you added the Theme My Login plugin etc etc as well

    And it seems your membership levels are not setup correctly either
    could be because you have the plugin set to SSL when maybe your site does not have SSL

    I would take a guess even tho the plugin is installed and activated, it is not setup correctly..

    Thread Starter AlexAdlink


    Thanks Pete. I understand my mistakes.

    Can you please tell me how to remove memebership levels from Register page? I also need to remove them from Account profile page.

    (I set up them wrongly at first time)


    if you have set up the memberships, just go back and remove them and then create new ones..

    Or edit what you have to what you want..
    Everything is editable…

    you seem to be getting there…

    On this page

    you have the Already Have an Acct, Log in here, option on the right,
    the link URL is wrong
    currently it is https://adlink.club/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fadlink.club%2Fmembership-account%2Fmembership-checkout%2F%3Flevel%3D2

    if you add the “Theme My Login” plugin and also the “Hide Admin Bar From Non-admins” then use that for members to log in and out..
    If you add both the Log In and Log Out links to your menu, then only one will show at a time, depending on if you are logged in or out.

    This way members will NEVER see you WP admin area and only the forms etc they need to see to add, manage or remove Adverts..

    Hope this helps

    Thread Starter AlexAdlink


    Hi Pete,

    Thank you for all your help.

    Sorry, I have another stupid question.

    I have created a new user on my website and tried to paid for memebership.

    But I have got the error message:
    You do not have permissions to make this API call

    What does it mean?


    I am asuming you are using paypal.
    For PMPro to fully integrate with PayPal Express in this case it needs the API credentials. Could you try setting them up and seeing if that works?

    My Account >> My Profile >> My Selling Tools >> API access >> Enable Express Checkout

    This error is generally caused by incorrect credentials. Try double checking to make sure everything looks correct in your Payment Settings (and that there is no accidental whitespace) and see if that fixes things.

    Thread Starter AlexAdlink


    Thank you Pete.

    I have changed it to Paypal standard and it worked perfectly.

    One more question (sorry!)

    Just before to push the PayPal checkout button I see the Membership Billing window and the “[pmpro_billing]” insight it.

    What is the purpose of that [pmpro_billing]?
    Do I need to put something here in settings?

    Thank you very much for your help. I do appreciate it!


    Yes I see that and not sure how that appears in there. It will have something do do with the way you have setup the membership account..

    I would have thought this was for T&C and to tick it to say they agree..

    I see you are in Australia so if you want same help click my name and use my contact details.

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