But that’s just plain browsing. I was thinking more along the lines of the website being infected with a virus that reads the file contents and reports them to someone. I just posted something on this thread https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/44318 about websites infected with a virus that embeds trojan script in html files. I’ve just had to delete installations of an RSS system on 8 websites that got this (not wordpress, although strange things have been happening there as we see in the referenced post).
On my sites there were .htaccess files and php files I didn’t put there! How did they get there? – we’re still figuring it out. But if you can do that it’s pretty easy to snoop plain text from a file. Any kind of plain text password on a web server is a vulnerability and best avoided. Especially when everyone in the world knows the name of the file. Unfortunately… with success comes viruses… ask Bill Gates!