Thank you for your answer. I didn’t think about the archive.php or category.php to look overthere.
What I did find out was that its possible to show the youtube player in the excertp by placing the youtube at the top of my blogpost. Problem what showed up was the video was way to big for the excerpt.
I noticed I can give the youtube player a size and other commands in the link structure via jetpack but that did not work out.
Finally I did find a sollution for reaching what I want. I do not know if this is the best sollution but for now it is working.
I placed the code next code in functions.php of my childtheme.
add_filter('template_redirect', 'custom_content_width_embed_size');
function custom_content_width_embed_size($embed_size){
if ( is_category() || is_attachment() ) {
global $content_width;
$content_width = 420;
//global $content_height;
//$content_height = 250;
Now the player’s heigth is just as high as the featured image on the excerpt.
I am thinking of showing the video as a featured image but I did not find the time to investigate if that is possible.
I use twenty sixteen theme. I will go look into the two files you described to see if there is a better way to do this.