Hi guys,
Thank you for your feedback, it really helps us develop and improve the plugin.
1. Good point! We just recently added Player Statistics as a way to use equations for players. The current implementation is that they are added to what used to be the performance table. We’ll definitely add a way to split the Statistics and Performance tables in the next major update.
2. Currently, the way to do this is to create a player list and add it to the team page. The reason we’ve separated this from the team page is because some teams have multiple leagues and seasons, so we wouldn’t know which set of player statistics to display.
For example, once the current season is over, you could keep the season’s player list in an archive page and create a new player list for the new season. Then it would be as easy as replacing the player_list shortcode on the team page ??
The other option, as suggested by Knut23, is to create a player list widget and add it to the team page. You could use a plugin like Simple Page Sidebars (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/simple-page-sidebars/) to add a separate sidebar section to each team.
3. You guys are right, the player list can be used for sorting players by certain statistics, however the list will show all players. We have a setting in SportsPress Settings > Players that will limit the number of players to show per page. However, this will also affect the full player lists, so we’ll look into adding a “Limit” option to each player list in the next major update.
4. This is certainly in the works, although it will most likely be provided as an extension to the plugin.
Shortcodes are displayed when editing posts (Events, Calendars, League Tables, and Player Lists). The shortcodes currently available are:
[countdown #]
Display a clock counting down to the next event. If an event ID is given, will countdown to that event.
[event_results #]
Display the results from an event.
[event_details #]
Display the event details (Date, Time, League, Season).
[event_performance #]
Display the player performance table from an event.
[event_calendar #]
Display a calendar of events. If a calendar ID is given, the events from that calendar will be shown.
[event_list #]
Display a list of events. If a calendar ID is given, the events from that calendar will be shown.
[event_blocks #]
Display events in blocks format. If a calendar ID is given, the events from that calendar will be shown.
[league_table #]
Display a league table with given ID.
[player_list #]
Display a list of players and their metrics/performance/statistics if enabled in that list.
[player_gallery #]
Display an image gallery of player photos. Uses default WP gallery markup.
I hope this helps! Thanks again for your comments, and please feel free to let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to know about the plugin.