Please add ability to remove likes/dislikes (to undo)
Currently there is issue when user accidently add like or dislike he can’t UNDO (he can just switch between like and dislike) it should be VERY useful if user can UNDO his likes/dislikes..
I suggested adding that feature 3 months ago, developer said that is added on to-do-list and that will be created soon, but its still not added, do you maybe know when it could be added?
I really love this plugin and i appreciate your work VERY VERY MUCH, i will donate as much money you want just please create this feature because already 50 users asked for it..i think it would be really useful if there is ability to undo own likes/dislikes…now when you accidently like review you can only switch to dislike no ability to remove your own likes/dislikes and would be useful for users to be able to edit/remove their own reviews because of GDPR
Thank you in front i hope you will be able to add it <3 this is really amazing plugin and i really, really appreciate your work
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